Saturday 26 October 2024

Why a dyslexia assessment is crucial for our dyslexic well being


Wednesday 23 October 2024

Develop our creative dyslexic scenius,


One of my Unique Dyslexic Eye t shirt designs

Good day to you all, hope you are all well

Hi blog readers and followers, hope you have had an enjoyable holiday

Scenius is: ‘a group of creative individuals who make up an ‘ecology of talent’. 

There are many dyslexic geniuses out there but because our education system fails us many never realize that genius. But it is out there because we know 35% of dyslexics are entrepreneurs. 

Dyslexic geniuses that do succeed do so in spite of there experiences in education and not because of it.

If we are ever going to change how society sees dyslexia we must come together and develop our creative dyslexic scenius to do it.  

We need to challenge societies medical model of dyslexia that tell dyslexics that dyslexia is about deficits, discrepancy and disorder. This medical model has nothing positive to say to dyslexics or about dyslexia.

This is why I developed the social model of dyslexia together with social enterprise. The social model of dyslexia tells us dyslexia is about diversity and difference and the social enterprise part basically means we can support ourselves to solve the issues we face in a dyslexic unfriendly society. 

The social model of dyslexia is our model its provides dyslexics with positive and inclusive vision. It tells it like it is, we struggle at school because our education system is dyslexia unfriendly. It is also neuro diverse and disability unfriendly.

Dyslexics have unique minds, we need to come together to create and untilise our dyslexic scenius to benefit the dyslexic community.

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all.......please leave a like or join our community and or share my podcasts.

Below is a link to my Unique Dyslexic Eye blog on dyslexic scenius:

Dyslexic scenius podcast

Why not join our Unique Dyslexic Eye Clan and subscribe

#PeaceLoveGroovyness from me 

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue, founder of Unique Dyslexic Eye and Dyslexia Pathways

Friday 18 October 2024

Early COVID Unique Dyslexic Eye Podcast

Good day to you all

Unique Dyslexic Eye Podcast click the Early COVID podcast link below:

Early COVID podcast

via @YouTube This was recorded quite near the start of lockdown. All my dyslexia work had stopped, as had my HND / HNC course in Broadcasting. I think I had just started my Unique Dyslexic Eye podcasting channel.

#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue

Sunday 13 October 2024

One of my followers asked me a question about how I do to nurture my mental health.

Hello all of you out there in the real world

One of our followers asked me what I was doing to nurture my well being, mental health. If this video I walk about some of the music I have been listening to during COVID. What music have you been listening to? How are you supporting and nurturing your own mental health and well being during COVID?

Apologies for the state of the video. One of my very early ones.

#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue


Monday 7 October 2024

I founded my social enterprise Dyslexia Pathways CIC in 2008.


Hello to you all

I founded my social enterprise Dyslexia Pathways CIC in 2008 and we are still going strong. In response to COVID I started a my called Unique Dyslexic Eye podcast.
2020 I passed and HND in Podcasting / Broadcasting. This was to support dyslexia and neuro diverse communities. The show has had over 2000 downloads. Not to shabby I guess for a niche show.
My Steve Unique Dyslexic McCue blog has had over 370.000 views and our aim is to bring that success to our podcasting and broadcasting.

#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Ok, not a dyslexia post, just a post about on of the top 10 days of my life


Genesis reunion gig Oct 2nd 1982

Hello everyone, hope you are all well?

One of the top 10 days of my life.

Genesis reunion Concert at Milton Keynes Bowl '1982, 42 years ago today. Rain, rain and even more rain all day. But it was a fab magic day. Myself and a couple mates rode up on our motor bikes early in the morning.

One of my top 5 days of my life, despite the rain. #TalkTalk were taking off the stage. I say taken off, the crowd gave them a bit of a hard time. I seem to remember beer cans being thrown at the band, full and empty, the singer shouting, "stop throwing them fecking cans". The singer got hit on the bonce by what looked like a full can of beer.. I know, not good, but it got the band the biggest cheer of the set.

The gig started with Peter Gabriel getting out of the coffin while singing... Another huge cheer when Steve Hackett appeared at the end of the show to a rousing cheer. The guys went into my fave Genesis song, I know what I like. The lights on one of my mates bike stopped working, which made for an interesting ride back home.

Have you got a top 10 day of your life you would like to share?

#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me,

Steve #Uniquedyslexic McCue

Friday 13 September 2024

Assistive technology and you?


Living in a neuro diverse universe

Hi Blog readers hope you are all well

Dyslexia Pathways CIC and myself invite you to:

Have your say on how easy or difficult your dyslexia assistive technology / software / hardware was to learn and use.

Tell us or how useful, or not, it was to you.

Please send us a review of any software and hardware you use. 

Tell us about the companies where you bought your technology. Were they themselves dyslexia friendly?

Have you any recommendations on assistive technology you have used.

Let us know what dyslexia friendly strategies you use  as well

Send your views and reviews to me via a message on Facebook. 

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can forward your reviews and feedback to me, and I will post and share it on my blog 

Or leave a comment on my blog.

#PeaceLoveGrooveyness to you all from me

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue