Monday 6 May 2024

Bit of a change from my usual blogs here


A phone app I designed and had up and running for a while

Good morning from me here is Glenrothes.

Time for a wee bit of nostalgia fun from 1970's. When I was a kid I worked as a milk boy for our local Unigate Milk man. I had to get up really early in the morning to walk the the local Unigate Dairy depot in Childs Hill.

Here is one of a series of comical TV adverts for Unigate Dairy.

Did you have a job as a kid?

#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me, Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue

Sunday 5 May 2024

Some thoughts on dyslexia, why not share your thoughts?


Hi blog readers hope you are well

Some thing about dyslexia for us all to think about

Right now we have individual parents of dyslexic kids fighting our education system one at a time. Sometimes they win little victories and get support for their dyslexic kids. Most of the time they face long battles and get nowhere.

We as dyslexic adults need to get together to build a social movement where we can work together. Work together to bring positive changes to the current education system that up to now is still failing too many of us and our children.

Right now many of us are fighting for positive change from the bottom upwards. We have to influence those who are responsible for developing education policy. This can only be done if we work together and take this to those who make policy.

There needs to be political will to make the changes to our education system that will enable our dyslexic kids to succeed is school. Right now there is no political will to do this. Only by working together can we influence those who run our education system.

We have to make a much more positive case for supporting our dyslexic kids. We have to move away from an old outdated medical model of dyslexia that basically tells us our brains do not work correctly. That somehow we are not normal. That we are broken in some way. What does this say to potential employers about dyslexics? What does this say to our dyslexic kids?

I am not saying dyslexics do not need support at school. What I am saying is we need teachers in every classroom being trained to teach to meet the diversity of learning needs in the class room. To enable teachers to do their job of teaching our dyslexic kids together with their non dyslexic peers in a classroom.

Every day I visit Facebook I read real life stories about dyslexic kids and parents battles to get what is a human right to a good education. Stories about dyslexic kids not wanting to go to school. About parents seeing their children crying and frustration and fear about going to school. This is just not good enough at all.

I believe it is society that disables dyslexics and that's why I promote and support the social model of dyslexia. I am not saying it's a perfect model but it places the responsibility for the failure of our education to meet the learning needs of dyslexic kids  where it belongs. Not on the shoulders of dyslexic kids and parents. But squarely on the shoulders of those who shape our education system and politicians who are responsible for developing and running an education system that fails so many of us.

Dyslexics can and do succeed but many do so in spite of their education not because of it.

#dyslexia is a difference that reflects #diveristy. We need to harness and unleash that potential not remediate or stifle it.

What do we need to do do this?

Remember neuro diversity is as important as biodiversity......
#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue


Here are links to our websites and social media:


kinda like our Unique Dyslexic campaign
come business page Twitter

Saturday 4 May 2024

News from my organisation Dyslexia Pathways CIC


A wee poem from me

Hello hello hello all, hope you are all ok out there,

Here is the news:

Well, that is another successful academic year over with. I founded Dyslexia Pathways CIC way back in 2008 by the way. So we are in out 16th year of business.

Had a really busy year, my appointments are back to pre COVID levels which is cool. COVID was a tough period financially for myself and my social enterprise Dyslexia Pathways CIC.

We won another Prestige award for our dyslexia work this academic year. That's another award certificate going up on our wall.

Before COVID I had designed three new dyslexia / neuro diverse training course which I am going to roll out over the next few months

On the downside:

My trusty old lap top is on its way out. Think I bought it maybe 10 years ago. Needless to say it is not working as well as it once did. 

So I need to buy a new lap top for my work supporting dyslexic and neuro diverse university students, using my assistive tech, podcasting, blogging, making and editing photos and movies and running training sessions etc. Have been searching rough costs £1300 to £1500 OUCH. My budget is half that, any ideas any one? I need a 17" screen

Finally, lol at 66 years old I am now collecting my state pension lol. I am not retiring by the way. It just feels weird being an old codger lol.

Thanks for taking the time to read my Unique Dyslexic Blog, please leave us a like, give my blog a share or maybe leave a comment. 

So its #PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue