Saturday 31 December 2022

Happy dyslexic / neuro diversity New Year


A rare phenomena in the night sky will be seen tonight

Hello everyone

A very rare phenomena will be seen in the night sky tonight. Every planet in our solar system will be visible in the night sky. Happy dyslexic / neuro diversity New Year from me,

Steve Unique Dyslexic McCue

Wednesday 28 December 2022

A little story of #dyslexic success against the odds.


You are not alone

Hi blog readers hope you are all feeling #fab

I was sent this message through my Linked In a while back. Its a little story of #dyslexic success against the odds. I thought I would share it with you.

We tend to see stories of famous or rich dyslexics which is cool. But I think every dyslexic's stories is important and should be given a forum. 

I asked if it would be ok to share this in one of my blogs, she agreed and here is it:

"Good afternoon Stephen,

I suffer with dyslexia and I found it hard growing up.

In primary school  both my family and the school said that i was slow and lazy that was why I couldn't read faster than others or spelt simple words incorrect.

Through out high school my teachers turned a blind I to my asks of help. I would write in the margins of by book  that I was struggling with reading and spelling.

I was prodicted E's but I put in so much effort and extra time to complete my GCSE's i came out with C's.

It wasn't till Sixth form that I got some help, the teachers where amazing and helped me with out undermining me. I finally felt I was worth it and the effort I put in to tasks wasn't in vain.

I am happy to say that I am now a business admin. Doing an apprenticeship where I am not struggling and I openly ask for help.

I have wrote this message to say thank you.
I say thank you for being brave and making people aware of dyslexia.

I hope I can be as brave as you.

Thank you again

Kindest  regards


If anyone else wants to share their dyslexia journey in my blog, anonymously or not, just email it to me as 

You can add photos but sent a little description of the photo .

I just think Charlotte had a great positive story to share and thank he for letting me share it here.

I kept the brave bit not because I think I am brave but because I thought she herself was being brave because it couldn't have been easy to share her story with me let alone let me share it in my blog.

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve Unique Dyslexic Eye McCue

Saturday 24 December 2022

Dyslexia, diversity, inclusion, neuro diversity and #vivaladifference

Picture above logos for Dyslexia Pathways CIC, Unique Dyslexic and Social Enterprise Scotland
Hi de hi blog readers. I hope you are all well and the world is being good to you.

Just a couple of little blogger hints from me here. I add captions to my photos for people who use text to speech screen readers to make my blog more accessible.

I only wish I could add a screen reader such as browse aloud but so far I have not found a screen reader widget or app that will work in blogger.

I also try and use a dyslexia friendly font. I used Verdana size 12 or 14 together with different background colours to again make my blog more accessible.

Here is a funny dyslexia short story lol I have been calling verdana veranda for ages and wondering why I was getting quizzical looks from people when I talked about fonts. lol.

I only wish I had the time and space to make more audio or visual blogs but they take me such a long time to produce. Its not really a techy issue its remembering a script lol. I think I will make a visual blog next week. 

Being dyslexia friendly can cost next to nothing and has many benefits

There are some easy things dyslexics like myself, people, parents and organisations can do to support people who are dyslexic that cost nothing or very little to  implement.

I personally find staring at a white computer screen and black text quite a strain on the eyes as well as difficult to read. So the hints below are good for all not just for dyslexics.

This includes finding a background colour which is dyslexia friendly. This is a bit trial and error because every dyslexic's dyslexia is unique to the individual so solutions are unique to the individual.

Personally I like the background colour to my blog page but I also like pastel colours like beige, blue or yellow.

Different colour printing paper is also helpful also not only for employees but for customers, clients and trainees.

Changing the font size is also a fabtastic strategy. Personally I like comic sans best but that has gone out of fashion so to speak so now I use verdana but ariel and century gothic are dyslexia friendly fonts. But its finding the font and solutions that work for you that are best and these can be found by trial end error.

Its good for dyslexic employees, good for dyslexic customers, good for business and good for inclusion and a companies reputation. A win win all round and it cost nothing or very little to implement.

It's Christmas so merry Christmas to you all

#PeaceLoveGroovyness from me, Steve #UniqueDyslexicEye McCue, to you all

Dyslexia friendly fonts

Tuesday 13 December 2022

My social enterprise, Dyslexia Pathways Community Interest Company was founded in 2008


Dyslexia Pathways CIC

Hello there all

My organisation Dyslexia Pathways CIC is a social enterprise. Our social aim is to support and promote the dyslexic and other neuro difference communities. To achieve our social aims we have to bring in our own income through our business and enterprise work. We are non profit. Picture from our Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Exhibition at the Rothes Halls.

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve Unique Dyslexic McCue

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Saturday 3 December 2022

The trauma from this COVID pandemic


My lovely wife Anne: the smartest, most lovely and supportive wife an man could wish for

Hi to you all

All of us will have to live with the trauma from this COVID pandemic for the rest of our lives. We need to invest in mental health services to support every man woman and child through this COVID. Nobody is talking about this COVID trauma we are all carrying.

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve Unique Dyslexic McCue