Thursday 29 January 2015

I am often asked by parents fo dyslexic kids, "what can we do help them?

Hi blog readers

Like all kids play is an important so let them play is my response, let them be creative if they are creative, let them be sporty if they are sporty. Explore your child's interests and encourage them in their exploration. But the most important thing to remember is let them play.

I think we have to remember that school can be a very stressful and difficult environment for dyslexic kids. School can be a place of purgatory for many dyslexic kids. It can negatively impact on their self confidence, self esteem and even their mental and physical health.

Here are a few tips for all parents of dyslexic kids:

Find activities that will enable your children to develop as a child and their self esteem and self confidence

Here is a tip for all those teachers out their with dyslexic kids in their classroom:

If children in your classroom are not learning from the way you teach then you must start to teach in the way the children can learn.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read my blog.


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