Thursday, 22 December 2016

Dyslexia: dont dis my abilities

Christmas greetings from Dyslexia Pathways CIC

Hi Blog Readers hope you are all well.

I am not going to write a long blog today you will be glad to hear lol.

Funding bid news

Good news this week as I completed my application for business support from Just Enterprise. I received a positive response the day after I send it.

I am getting some support writing a new business plan and marketing strategy. Even a not for profit social enterprise like mine has to have these.

This will help with future funding bids as well as with our new services and tee shirts etc.

I also completed stage one of the Improving Lives lottery funding bit. Will take a few weeks to see how that's gone. Even if the Lottery does not accept it I now have a comprehensive proposal for the Dyslexia hub. This will make any future funding bid easier to put together.

Tee shirts

Did some more work on the #iamdyslexic tee shirts. I was reading a post couple days ago which gave me the ideas.

What do you think. Got a lot of likes and positive feedback so far about these ideas. I am researching possible places to get them printed up.
Other News

I was doing a little research of possible funders to contact and found the Bridges Ventures Social Enterprise Fund I am going to have a crack at doing something for this in the new year.

Also thinking about making and application to the Clore Fellowship. Both have rather long application forms to complete sigh.  
Our little crowd funding appeal is now named Donate Dyslexia by the way. Below is a link to our Unique Dyslexic Facebook. You can find the Donate Dyslexia button in the home menu. Any monies raised is to help us pay for our web sites etc
More from our dyslexia research. We are asking dyslexics to share their thoughts on being dyslexic.
How would you answer these questions?

Question 9:Do you think enough is being done to enable dyslexics to succeed in education, training for work or in employment?

93% said not enough is being done
7% said yes

Well looks like more work needs to be done by all dyslexia organisation, schools, colleges, governments and employers.

Question 10: What one thing would you like to say about being dyslexic?

Here are some of the responses form this question:

I think differently to most people and my cognitive performance is in the 99.8 percentile.

It may take me a while to get the information in but I can work magic once it is 

Its amazing just try it

Think creatively

Worse things can happen it shaped me

We need more help and acceptance

I am unique

I am just me, nothing is seriously wrong, I just see things differently, different does not have to be bad

I don't like others telling me what works and what doesn't, its different for each of us

I have the ability to see what others dream of and live my life in the moment

I am happy dyslexic I fit into a group better than being called slow or dumb

For every succeeder there are a thousand suffers

It has given me a creative twist on the way I see the world

I don't want to hide it I want to celebrate and share my gifts

I am not stupid and being diagnosed confirmed it 

Any way that's enough from me. Merry Christmas to you all. While it may be a merry Christmas it will not be so for millions of people across the world.

Thinking of them all over this Christmas. 2016 has witness so much pain, misery, death and suffering. I cannot find the right words to say what I want to say about it all.

Lets hope 2017 is a better year that 2016. 

Monday, 12 December 2016

Dyslexics tell it like it is now you tell it?

Photo from Dyslexia Pathways Unique Dyslexic Celebration of creativity
Hi Blog readers hope you are all well

A while back I did a little research of dyslexia. Nothing to complicated just asked a few questions about our experiences and thoughts on being dyslexic. Also I had not seen anyone else asking we in the dyslexic community these questions.

Below are three of the questions and results and responses I got. I thought they were very interesting and I wonder if this reflects the feelings and thought of the majority of dyslexics out there:

Question 5: Overall do you feel positive or negative about being dyslexic?

68% felt positive
27% felt negative
5% felt both positive and negative

Question 7: Overall do you think society views being dyslexic as positive or negative?

82% said society views being dyslexic as negative dyslexic
18% said society views being dyslexic as positive 

Interesting to note that so many who took the survey were positive about being dyslexic. Yes you guessed it so many said that society views dyslexic as negative

Question 8: Why do you think society views being dyslexic as positive or negative?

Here are some of the responses I got from that question:

  1. Negative, reading problems
  2. Society sees any difference from the norm as negative, dyslexia is seen as a disability so is seen in a negative light
  3. it is seen as a disability
  4. I say its more of a distinction
  5. they don't understand and negative images are portrayed
  6. no but its getting better
  7. some people don't understand it I think that's the problem
  8. Living in a world of people who see everything in 2dimensions bringing a person who looks at things in three dimensions causes disruptions
  9. society is abysmally ignorant
  10. Because its called a learning disability and therefore it id immediately stigmatised by people who find difference challenging
Please let me know what your thoughts and feelings are about the results from this research?

How would you answer these questions....please share your answers.

anyway many thanks for reading and to any of you who respond to this blog

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Dyslexia, inclusion, diversity and difference a new and positive way forward

Participants from our Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Fused Glass Workshop

New ideas and new way forward for the dyslexic community:

Almost all new ideas are generated by individuals but they are given life by and nurtured by communities and the cultures they can create.

If we are ever going to move away from a negative medical model of dyslexia that has nothing positive to say to dyslexics or about dyslexia. We, as dyslexics, need to come together and create a coherent global dyslexic community. A community that has a single message. This being that dyslexia is a difference that reflects diversity. 

A global dyslexic community that has a more positive social model of dyslexia vision of dyslexia. A vision which nurtures and values dyslexic diversity and difference and celebrates all that we have achieved and are still to achieve in the future.

We need to consign the medical model of dyslexia to history where it belongs because it has failed us as dyslexics. The medical model of dyslexia is one that has been imposed on us and does nothing but shackle us to a negative stereotype of dyslexia.

The social model of dyslexia defines us by what we can do and achieve, it empowers us and it frees us from the negative medical model stereotype that tells us being dyslexic means we are disabled is some way.

The social model of dyslexia was developed by dyslexics for dyslexia. It is our own model.

That's why I believe that dyslexia is a difference that reflects diversity and that neuro diversity is as important as biodiversity.

My organisation Dyslexia Pathways CIC was the first dyslexia focussed social enterprise in the world and we have embraced and promoted the social model of dyslexia.

Why not join us and let's create the global community and culture we are dyslexics need to move forward and enable our dyslexic kids to thrive and succeed.

One of the achievements I am most proud of with Dyslexia Pathways CIC is this:

(CIC stands for Community Interest Company) This means we're are a

registered social enterprise and our social aim is to promote and

support dyslexic and other neuro different communities. As with all

social enterprises we are not for profit.

This quote is from an Erasmus academic paper that mentions Dyslexia

 Pathways CIC:

"There are numerous CICS who have succeeded in providing an intermediation function developing pathways that assist individuals with disabilities to access support to engage in academic courses and vocational qualifications.

These include Dyslexia Pathways CIC, All Inclusive Disability Consultants CIC and Acute Need CIC who have all led the way for social inclusion for those within the disabled community looking to access support to enhance and develop their skillset.

There continues to remain an urgent need for person centered planning rather than relying on generic mechanism for all types of learning disabilities. There is substantial disparity in how these individuals are treated i.e. only 15 % of adults with autism are in paid employment compared to 48% of people with general disabilities (Higgins, 2009)." One in five dyslexics are unemployed.

You can read the whole paper by  clicking on the link below

The message is social enterprise and social model of dyslexic = a new way forward for the dyslexic community.

If you read my last blog you can see I am very busy working on a number of things for Dyslexia Pathways CIC. We are currently looking for people who would like to support our work. Or help us crowd fund etc. Of support us in our aim of opening a dyslexia / neuro diverse hub for communities across Fife.

Dyslexia Pathways CIC was the first dyslexia focussed social enterprise in the word We support and promote dyslexia and neuro diversity through social enterprise and social model of dyslexia.

We believe this offers a positive and innovative way forward for the dyslexic community and an empowering alternative the the medical model of dyslexia. A model which tells us our brains do not function normally and that we are broken in some way.

The social model tells us dyslexia is all about diversity and difference. Nature thrives because of diversity and difference as does humanity. That's why we say vivaladifference for dyslexia and neuro diversity as well as for disability.

If we cannot respect and embrace neuro diversity and all other aspect of diversity on planet earth. Then how will we embrace and respect it when we meet it in the universe?

And Finally:

A little something for every dyslexic in the world. May your journey as a dyslexic in a non dyslexic world be a fab one. Every single one of you dyslexics out there are fabtastic. A huge heap of thanks to all those who love and support us.

Together we can touch the stars

Many thanks for reading peace love and groovyness to you all



Had fab convo with Laura Laura Dyslexic Jackson-Cavalleri via Skype on Sunday morning about what they are accomplishing for the dyslexic community in Staten Island. We need to have more conversations world wide if we are going to nurture and grow a more positive vision of dyslexia.

A vision that focusses on a positive social model of dyslexia that talks positively about dyslexic diversity and difference and being dyslexic instead of a negative medical model dyslexia vision that has nothing positive to say to us as dyslexics or about dyslexia and has accomplished little for dyslexics.

Always happy to talk to kindred spirits about being dyslexia positive

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

A little guest blog from dyslexic artist Kathy Thompson enjoy and please feel free to leave positive feedback

Photo about of some original Kathy Thompson artwork
Hi blog readers I hope you are all well and happy out there in the real world.

For those not aware of our little campaign Unique Dyslexic Get Creative sought to reach out to dyslexics and other neuro diverse people / communities in Fife. As it turned out we did much more than reach out across Fife but across the world.

Not bad for a tiny dyslexia focused social enterprise. In fact Dyslexia Pathways CIC (Community Interest Company) was the first dyslexia focused social enterprise in the world.

One of our goals it to change the way we think about dyslexia that's why we have a social model of dyslexia focus. We see dyslexia as a difference that reflect diversity rather than a disability. We believe that our social model of dyslexia focus together with social enterprise offers a more positive and empowering way forward for the dyslexic community.

We know many dyslexic kids struggle at school, not because they are not bright enough, but because our education system is not a very dyslexia friendly place for many dyslexic kids to be. As a result many dyslexics do not achieve their potential in school. Moreover, many leave school with poor self esteem, low self confidence and can even suffer with long term mental health issues.

Unique Dyslexic Get Creative campaign wanted to focus on creativity because we know it can enhance self esteem and self confidence. We know creativity is good for our mental health. We also knew we did not want to focus on literacy at all because we felt this may dissuade people from coming along to out creative workshops.

If you look back at other of my blog entries you can find out more about Unique Dyslexic Get Creative, Dyslexia Pathways CIC  etc

Now I want to introduce Kathy Thompson and her blog

I thought I would share a short guest blog with you all from Kathy Thompson suspected dyslexic artist. She got involved with Dyslexia Pathways CIC Unique Dyslexic campaign in 2014.

Take it away Kathy

Three or four years ago I started painting for the first time , I am 56 years old. At the time I was going thru a lot of anxiety and questioning everything about my own self.
Never knew there was a creative side to me. I was looking around the internet and facebook trying to find a group or just anything I could identify with when I came across "Unique Dyslexic Get Creative".
My interest immediately peeked, being blown away by tapping in to my own creativity for the first time and having a brother and daughter who are dyslexics.
I began to share my art with the group, it took a lot of courage to do that, thru the acceptance and encouragement I gained there , I now have the courage to keep pursuing my art passion , and the confidence to share publicly.
I have sold five paintings and given away around eleven, been invited as an art vendor to local events.Most recently I posted a few on facebook for sale. I doubt I would have the courage to post publicly had I not found the "Unique Dyslexic Get Creative " group.
I suspect i am dyslexic. But atypical or compensated , i think i am a good reader , my writing is not legible. As for reading. I reas a lot but don't retain a lot. Just bits and pieces.

This is my personal painting by Kathy

If there is anyone else who would like to write a little guest blog just send me an e mail or leave a message here.

So as usual its peace, love and groovyness from me here in Glenrothes in Fife
Steve McCue

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

we need to move forward from a negative medical model definition for dyslexia

Proposed site for our Dyslexia pathways CIC hub for dyslexic and nuero diverse communities in Fife
Hi hope you are all feeling fab out there

We need to move past a medical model definition of dyslexia that tells us we are broken. A definition that tells us we as dyslexics are the problem.

It's a model that sees us being segregated, marginalized and denied access to an education together with non dyslexics in an inclusive learning environment.

It's our education system that fails dyslexics not being dyslexic itself. We need to nurture not remediate.  We need teachers in every classroom trained to enable us to learn.

That's why I support and promote the social model of dyslexia. Because it talking about diversity and difference rather than disability. We learn, think, problem solve and indeed experience the world differently from non dyslexics.

Dyslexia is not a medical issue?

Dyslexia is a difference that reflects diversity. We must embrace diversity, we must nurture it and enable it to flourish.

That why I use the term medical model of dyslexia. #iamdyslexic😎 not a person with dyslexia like there is me and dyslexia is standing next to me. Like dyslexia is some sort of condition that needs treatment or curing. I don't suffer with dyslexia I suffer with a society that disables us, that marginalises us, that does not respect and embrace diversity.

Being dyslexic is fab we have fab minds that work in fab ways. I think as a dyslexic, learn as a dyslexic, feel as a dyslexic etc. Being dyslexic is a part of who I am. I would not want to be neuro typical if you paid me a million dollars.

That's why I say dyslexia is a difference that reflects diversity. Nature and humanity thrives because of diversity and difference and that something we should be celebrating. Dyslexics can and do succeed across the whole of our society.

Being dyslexic is fab

I am dyslexic I don't have dyslexia, I am not a person with dyslexia. We need to move past the idea that we have dyslexia like it's some sort of an illness or disability.

We are told so many times that we as dyslexics are disabled so often we start to believe it ourselves and we begin to disable ourselves. We see so many dyslexic kids giving up on school and giving up on themselves because our education system fails them.

It's not good enough and there is no excuse for it. We must unite and it is being dyslexic that unites us.

many thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback on what I have written in this and any of my other blogs



Idea for a dyslexia positive tee shirt. anyone want to help me realize it?

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Just a little to do list for Dyslexia Pathways CIC (Community Interest Company)

Hi blog readers hope you are all well

Thought I would just write a little to do list today:

Writing an Improving Lives lottery funding bid for a new dyslexia hub. Getting some fab support with this from Equalities Fife.

This is a massive piece of work. Even if we do not get this Equalities Fife are going to support us with further funding etc and getting out dyslexia / neurodiverse hub up and running in one shape or form.

Still supportting dyslexic and neuro different uni students. I have three appointments today

Designing dyslexia positive tee shirts to enable us to be more dyslexia positive and more visible and hopefully less isolated. We must all be more dyslexia positive.

I have done two new tee designs. One is using black only text and one colour. The colour one would be more expensive to produce and to buy. Which do you prefer? 
Still promoting dyslexia through social enterprise and social model of dyslexia.
Still running dyslexia awareness training,
In the middle of writing my dyslexia book and going to start Layla's Lemur children's book
Looking to set up a steering committee for the hub. Getting support from Equalities Fife with this.
Need attract some new directors to support what we do.
I am trying, very badly, to get some funding to help with what we are doing. Keep our websites open etc, help pay my bills
I am on stage 2 of writing a bit to get some support from Just Enterprise for support with a marketing strategy.
I am needing some support with writing a new business plan by the way lol
So not up to much as you can see. Send in the clones lol
Anyway that's enough from me for this week.
Peace love and groovyness to all in the dyslexic and all other neuro diverse communities. Ta for reading my blog please share, share, share and share.
Below are some photos from our Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Fused Glass workshop. A fab day it was too.


Tuesday, 8 November 2016

When and where were you assessed as being dyslexic? Progress progress progress

picture above Dyslexia Pathways logo

Hi blog readers hope you are all well.

A while ago I put together a little dyslexia questionnaire about dyslexia on Survey Monkey which gave some interesting results. The first question was about when and where people were assessed as dyslexic.

I thought I would try something similar again but as part of my blog.

Below is the question and results and all you have to do is answer the same question.

Question 1: When and where were you assessed as being Dyslexic?

19% were assessed at school

62% were assessed in later life either at college or university with a couple being assessed privately

19% had never been assessed but believed they were dyslexic.

One responder said," my son was assessed at school as dyslexic in 3rd grade and I was a lot like him in many ways"

So what would your answers to this question be. You can just leave your answers in the comments section at the bottom. You don't have to leave any information about yourself at all.

I am looking for support, volunteers with writing our business plan, for managing our social media and with digitizing my dyslexia resources

We were the first dyslexia focussed social enterprise. This means we are a business that has social aims and not for profit. We believe social enterprise and our social model of dyslexia ethos offers the dyslexic community and innovative, empowering and positive way forward for the dyslexic community.

Ta for taking the time to read my blog. Please share it amongst your friends and other Facebook pages etc.

Below are some photos from our Unique Dyslexic Get Creative furniture up scaling workshop don't in partnership with Furniture Plus and Claribella Christie.

thanks for reading peace love and groovyness to you all

Steve McCue