Tuesday 21 March 2017

Dyslexia: a difference that reflects diversity and what a fab reflection being dyslexic is

I am dyslexic. I don't have dyslexia. I don't suffer with dyslexia. I don't hate being dyslexic. I am not a person with dyslexia.

Once I was assessed I began my own journey of understanding  of what being dyslexic means and the many positives that came with being dyslexic.

That's why a dyslexia assessment is so crucial because without one how can we as dyslexics understand who we are. Begin to understand that being dyslexic is fab. Stop ourselves from becoming negative self fulfilling prophecies.

Being dyslexic has many many positives: Strong emotional intelligence, fab creativity, big picture thinking, empathy and so much more. Hey give me more positives comment please.... 

Ok reading is a pain but it does not stop me reading.

My spelling can be a trifle bazar but it does not stop me spelling or writing.

My memory eeep my memory can be a trifle emmmm what was I going to say? forgetful.

Don't ask me about remembering names hmmmmm wassyour name again?  Lol I was on a date once and for the life of me I couldn't recall what her name was the whole night sigh.

I would say the way the social moel of dyslexia defines being dyslexic is positive. I own the label and it does not own me. Its our model and not a model that has been imposed on us by a non dyslexic society.

I see the world through a dyslexic prism and very happy in my dyslexic skin. But I am far from happy by the way society defines dyslexia.

It is my view that society has a very one dimensional view of dyslexia and dyslexics. One that does tend to focus negatives.

Comparing dyslexics to non dyslexics is a bit like comparing a cow to a kangaroo. You ask a kangaroo to jump and it will jump. You ask a cow to jump and it quite simply cant. Then you label the cow disabled, you diagnose it you send it for remission jumping lessons and so on lol. Ok daft example lol but you get my drift lol. 
Dyslexia: a difference that reflects diversity. It is society that disables us.

Then I would say that not being dyslexic has its own negative aspects. I would not want to be not dyslexic, if that makes any sense. We as dyslexics need to define dyslexia for ourselves not let a society that lacks any real understanding about being dyslexic define dyslexia for us.

I bang on about the medical / deficit model of dyslexia and how negative it is. All the medical / deficit model tells us is we are ill in some way. That we need to be cured.

There is far too much focus on remediation on trying to make us into a non dyslexic image that we will never achieve, and I would never want to achieve because being dyslexic is fab. Not enough focus on enabling us to develop our strengths as a whole person so that we can embrace our dyslexia and succeed because of it.

Unless we break away the medical model of dyslexia many of us will keep on becoming negative self fulfilling prophecies and keep on being marginalised by wider society.

Anyway that's enough of me rattling on


To coin a phrase I don't want to build a wall I want to make a brick to build a strong and positive global dyslexic community that can forge a new positive social model of dyslexia future for dyslexics everywhere. That’s the idea behind our little crowd funding. To start making a brick that will enable us to come together to build a dyslexic community.
Enable us to build our brick donate to our crowd funding today. Start making your own bricks and we can build a better positive future for all dyslexics together.









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