Saturday 10 March 2018

Guns don't kill people?

Dyslexia Pathways CIC social enterprise logo

Hello blog readers hope you are all feeling #fab. Just a few words from me about guns:

Guns don't kill people

Bullets kill people

Dont sell bullets

Dont buy bullets

Lets ban bullets

lets stop the killing of innocents and making very rich people who make and sell bullets even richer.

Thanks for reading

Steve McCue dyslexic Dyslexia and inclusion specialist now social entrepreneur and founder of Dyslexia Pathways Community Interest Company 


  1. Focus on dyslexia issues please...leave politics out of it and your position.
    Don't use dyslexia as a platform to expose your political views. Keep to the issue of dyslexia. Otherwise you are just another mouthpiece spewing out your opinions regarding politics.

  2. I'd delete the post as irrelevant, but would like to point out that if you can't buy bullets for the guns already in circulation, you might as well just ban the guns that fire them too.

    Guns don't kill people (alone), complicit arms stores, criminals, vulnerable, immature, children, threatened and unstable people with guns kill people too. Let's not forget cops, they make for some scary statistics killing innocent people too.

    If guns were banned, the police could safely shoot anyone carrying a gun without warning.
