Sunday 6 October 2019

A child never fails...... an old vlog but still valid

A big hi to all my blog readers hope you are all well and have been behaving yourselves lol

A child never fails.

Never put blame on any child for the failures of adults around them.

Schools can fail kids, parents and carers can fail kids, social services and the law can fail kids.

Kids are victims of the failures of adults around them.

Dyslexic kids don't fail at school because they are dyslexic, they fail because the adults around them fail them.

Peace love and groovyness to all

Steve McCue (dyslexic dyslexia and inclusion specialist founder of Dyslexia Pathways CIC world's first Dyslexia social enterprise.

If you have any comments please comment.

If you think my blog has something to say please share it on your social media.

Finally, a little music from Ray Wilson just chill and have a listen;


  1. Just watched your blog video well done, like yourself I am dyslexic, I started a Facebook page called the dyslexic teacher, a bit of a play on words as a dyslexic I wanted to help people with dyslexia using a system that works for me I own a small production company producing promos and commercials for people, which consists of myself and my wife who does the editing we both come from a TV and film background, dyslexia is very common in the television and film industry, by using speak to text On my Apple computer and now Apple phones or virtually any smart phone using the Siri system it writes for me life changing for me personally, I've been involved helping young and old dyslexics using this system for me it's groundbreaking at 65 years old I can now write to whoever I want to definitely a game changer for me and I've helped many people overcome some of the problems we have being dyslexic, if I can help anybody by producing a small Film Please don't hesitate to call me we have a round camera and we can help with the editing, I will leave my email address if anybody wants to contact me

  2. thanks for sharing, I am on a broadcasting course at the moment currently planning and organising a radio broadcast on the social model of dyslexia at the moment
