Wednesday 28 February 2024

Dyslexia neuro diversity Social model or medical model?


Dyslexia neuro diversity Social model or medical model?

Hello there to all my blog readers hope, you are well?

We as dyslexics must change the way we think and talk about dyslexia. We must challenge the negative medical discrepancy model of dyslexia. It has nothing positive to say about dyslexia or to dyslexics. The medical discrepancy model has gotten the dyslexic community precisely nowhere. This medical model talks about dyslexia in terms of deficits, discrepancy and disorder. This model tells us we are the problem. Our education system still fails far to many dyslexic kids. Our kids fail because our education system is dyslexia unfriendly.

That's why I support and promote the social model of dyslexia and I support and promote it through social enterprise. This is a more positive, empowering and inclusive way forward. It tells us dyslexia is about diversity and difference.

Do we need to be talking social model of neuro diversity? Or continue talking about dyslexia as a disability? I believe it is society that disables dyslexics and that this disabling begins at our dyslexia unfriendly education system? Your thoughts, suggestions and ideas please?

Many thanks for reading

#PeaceLoveGrooveynesss from me

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue


  1. Sounds like we are singing from the same song sheet! Be good to have a convo :)))

  2. Good idea, always happy to talk about anything dyslexia / ND related
