Wednesday 4 September 2013

Two more days and counting till the big move......

Blimey you never know how much rubbish you have

in you home until its time to move it all. So far we

have had one big pick up of rubbish by the council

and al least 10 trips to the local recycling centre. Still

our garage is now totally clear of junk and we are

nearly ready to move.

I am also waiting to hear from the lottery fund about

our Investing in Ideas proposal. It is for funding for

our new Unique Dyslexic Project.  I have been told I

will hear either by today or tomorrow if it has been

successful.  So its fingers crossed, legs crossed and

just about everything else crossed for the next couple

of days. If we are successful it will be full steam

ahead for this project. Even if it is not successful we

will try again through Awards for All.

I know I have been feeling the stress of it all. Just

eaten a large bowl full of Magnum vanilla and

chocolate ice cream hmmmmmmmm nice but not

gummy enough to hit the spot lol. Not good for my

sugar levels but very good for my stress levels lol.


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