Sunday 29 September 2013

Touching base

I am getting very excited about all the positives that
are happening with my business, projects and life at
this time.

I have just send off all the documents requested by
the Big Lottery Fund to be able to accept their
conditional offer of a £9.600 Investing in Ideas
Lottery award. If all goes well this should all be
finalised within the next 3 to 4 weeks. This is for my 
new Unique Dyslexic Project.

The central objective of this project is to raise a more
positive, ability focussed profile of dyslexia through
the use of creative activities including art, writing,
music and photography. Moreover, the project aims
to enable dyslexics to discover more about their own
dyslexia and of the positive aspects of being dyslexic.
As a result the project will enable them to overcome
barriers to employment, education and training.  Or
even start them on the road to becoming an entrepreneur themselves. As well as enhance their
self confidence and self esteem and resilience.

The project will provide a number of creative learning

activities, master classes to encourage dyslexics to

develop their own creative talents and take part in

this project. The project will be based in Fife and

volunteers from Fife will be sought to assist with the

running of the project.

We will actively promote the project within Fife

through social media and by going out into the

community to seek out any dyslexics who might be

interested in sharing their creative output. Unique

Dyslexic will also utilise social media to promote the

project worldwide.

We will actively encourage contributors to aspire to

employment, self employment, training and

education or social enterprise.

Submitted works will be displayed either public areas

and on a Creative Dyslexic website or through a

Facebook page and blog.

We will be able to provide a comprehensive dyslexia

screening test for people who feel they may be

dyslexic. I was hoping to use Quickscan for this but it

now looks like I will be using Lucid LADS Plus. This

could be the first step towards a full dyslexia

I recently was lucky enough to be awarded four

days free business mentoring through the Just

Enterprise Project. I start meeting with my new

business mentor next week. I am going to try to put

together a new business plan for one of my ideas

with this time. I had a business mentor once before

about 4 years ago and it was very helpful.
My problem is I have all these ideas floating about in

my head for various projects and business

opportunities and I am very good at the big picture

thing like many dyslexics. But organising them and

dealing with the details I find difficult to do.

Once I have done the mentoring thing I am going to

be seeking some venture capital to try fund this

particular project. I have high hopes this project will

enable me to have a more secure future financially

speaking for myself as well as for Dyslexia

Pathways. As well as enable me to carry on raising

awareness of all the positives there are to being


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