Monday 27 April 2015

Ok I know I have been banging on about this for a while..........

Hi blog readers hope you are all well

Firstly I would like to say my heart goes out to all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal and all those who lost their lives in this disaster.

The goal of Dyslexic Pathways CIC and our Unique Dyslexic campaign is to break down the barriers faced by those who are dyslexic. Our message is dyslexia represents the diversity inherent in humanity.

The world would be a poorer place if it were not for the vision, empathy, problem solving, entrepreneurial and creativity abilities we as dyslexics have. We want to define dyslexia by what we can do and do well. 

Our vision is to enable dyslexics to self advocate for a better deal for dyslexics everywhere, to start developing a coherent community and to raise awareness of a more positive profile of dyslexia.

The money raised from our Unique Dyslexic Campaign appeal will:
  1. We have designs ready to be  professionally realise our positive message logo designs for the tee shirts by a graphic artist.
  2. Pay for the tee shirts and printing ready for sale.
  3. Sell the tee shirts through our social media to enable dyslexics to advocate our more positive dyslexia vision
  4. To utilise monies earned from the tee shirts to design and print more tee shirts and enable us to continue supporting dyslexics all over the world.    
  5. We will also be asking young dyslexics who follow our social media to send in their own designs for tee shirt logos.
  6. If we achieve our target one of these designs will be used as part of this campaign. We will ask our young  followers to choose which design to use. Even if we do not reach our target we will seek funding other funders to support this campaign.
This is part of a larger fundraising effort to diversify and grow as an organisation. Dyslexia Pathways CIC is a not for profit social enterprise and are planning to open a new dyslexia centre to support dyslexics in Fife and across the world

Its an ambitious project but I believe we have the team and support to achieve our goal. This is the start of a social movement that will raise awareness of our more positive vision of dyslexia.

So please visit our Indiegogo crowd funding page and donate to our crowd funding campaign.

Many thanks for reading


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