Wednesday 8 July 2015

Loads of good stuff going on here at Dyslexia Pathways CIC and Unique Dyslexic

Hi blog readers hope you are all well out there in blog land hope you are all well. Its just about 7 am here in Glenrothes in Scotland. The above photo is of a piece of fused glass art created by a participant at our Unique Dyslexic Fused glass art work shop. The reason its there will become clear later.

I received an e mail from the Fresh Light business consultancy. That have agree to work with us over an 8 week period on our dyslexia hub campaign. Fresh Sight are a Edinburgh student lead business consultancy who support the work of charities and social enterprises here in Scotland. We have to find £250 to pay for this but we have plenty of time because it will not start until September this year.

I received a request for some help with a court case a couple weeks ago. The guy explained he was dyslexic and was struggling with unreadable documents using unfathomable legal jargon. I know that justice and courts and all legal proceedings can be very dyslexia unfriendly so was happy to provide him with some free support. I was just a letter explaining that he was dyslexic, that he had an official dyslexia assessment and some advice on ways the court could be more dyslexia friendly. Of course I had to explain the courts had a duty under legislation to be more dyslexia friendly. Lets see how this goes now for him.    

I was sent this Linked in recommendation the other day: 

"I had the pleasure of attending a business accelerator course with Stephen he is a great guy with a great personality as soon as you speak to him you feel at ease in his company.he is very passionate about what he does and he does it well. His attitude as to how people who have dyslexia is refreshing he does not see them as having a disability but having a different and sometimes better way of looking at things. Steve is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to dyslexia he not only talks the talk but being dyslexic himself he walks the walk and understands what people with dyslexia have to go through."

Always chuffed to get positive feedback. Many thanks to Duncan, who is dyslexic himself, for this it is much appreciated. He himself is one of the many dyslexic entrepreneurs and the founder of Zulu Warrior Street Defence. At Zulu Warrior street Defence our main objective is Personal Safety to this end we provide bespoke training to those who are vulnerable at home, at work or just daily life in general.

Had a weird experience on Sunday...I was sitting at home watching the British Grand Prix when I say a guy walking past our front garden fence. He opened the gate and walked down to our front door. I waited for him to ring on the door bell. Looking at the door I saw the door hands slowly moving downwards, strange I though I didn't know the guy. Then the front door slowly began to open. That was me up off the couch at rocket speed towards the front door. I quickly opened the door looked at the guy and in no uncertain terms yelled at him to hmmmmm well lets just say I swore at him, using an unprintable colourful metaphor, which made it clear I wanted him to go. The guy just looked at me bold as brass turned around and slowly walked back up the garden path. Of course I called the police but so far I have heard nothing.  

My niece a member of the Tullis Russell brass band. On Saturday 4th July 2015  the youth band organised a Ceilidh (pronounced kaylee) to raise funds for the youth band. A Ceilidh is like a big party / shindig lots of music, dancing and people getting together having fun. Have to report the kids did great they organised a great evening. Below is some film footage and photos from the night. They managed to raise over £1000 from the night which is brilliant.

Layla and me dancing lol eeep

Now all these dances have names but I do not know them lol 

Layla being cheeky lol

 My wife won this great cake and she shared it around every one at the event
Below wee Georgia and big Georgia performing a little Scottish country dancing.

Anyway many thanks for reading my blog
take care and peace love and groovyness to all

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