Monday 2 November 2015

Please take a little survey on dyslexia and neuro difference

Hello there blog readers hope you are all well. Some of my regular readers my know that one of our goals at Dyslexia Pathways CIC and Unique Dyslexic Campaign is to open a dyslexia hub for the dyslexic and other neuro different communities.

The hub itself will be based in Fife Scotland but will have a global focus. The hub will focus on creativity, entrepreneurship, training, awareness training, a community café, supporting parents with dyslexic children, advocacy, volunteering, mentoring and being dyslexia positive.

We will promote a more positive social model of dyslexia and who know maybe even become a blueprint for other hubs around the world. We at Dyslexia Pathways CIC believe  that #dyslexia is a difference that reflects #diversity and that neuro diversity is as important as biodiversity.

Fresh Sight the student lead business consultancy based at Edinburgh University are in the process are completing some research into this for us over the next 8 weeks. They have designed a very short survey for people from all neuro diverse communities as well as dyslexics to complete.

It literally takes less than two minutes to complete and would help us in our aim to setting up our new hub.

Dyslexia Pathways CIC was the first dyslexia focussed social enterprise in the world. Please help us achieve our goal of a new hub.

Here is a link to the survey:

Dyslexia Pathways CIC neuro difference survey

Please share, share, share  and share my blog and the link. Much appreciated in advance




  1. Hi, Steve. Do you know about the Neuro Learning Clinic in Washington State? It was founded by Dr. Brock Eide and his wife, Dr. Fernette Eide. They are on fb and you call learn more about them on LinkedIn and find their website via Google. Hope this is helpful. :-) Marcie Booth, Founder and 2E consultant at Twice Exceptional / 2E Network LA. :-)

  2. Hi, Steve. Do you know about the Neuro Learning Clinic in Washington State? It was founded by Dr. Brock Eide and his wife, Dr. Fernette Eide. They are on fb and you call learn more about them on LinkedIn and find their website via Google. Hope this is helpful. :-) Marcie Booth, Founder and 2E consultant at Twice Exceptional / 2E Network LA. :-)

  3. Thank you for the heads up will give it a visit
