Sunday 15 November 2015

Some results from a little dyslexia research I carried out.

Hi blog readers hope you are all well

Feedback from a little dyslexia research I did a couple months back. Ok its only a small survey but it gives some interesting insights into our experiences as dyslexics:

A couple months ago a put together a little survey on your experiences and thoughts on dyslexia which I put up on survey monkey. Its still there if anyone wants to have a look and take the survey. I will go through the questions and results one at a time.

Question 1: When and where were you assessed as being Dyslexic?

19% were assessed at school

62% were assessed in later life either at college or university with a couple being assessed privately

19% had never been assessed but believed they were dyslexic.

One responder said," my son was assessed at school as dyslexic in 3rd grade and I was a lot like him in many ways"

Question 2: What problems did you face in your personal life, education, training for work, college or higher education before you were assessed?

100% 0f those who took the survey said they experienced problems and here are some of those responses:

  1. Problems in school learning to read
  2. Sacked bullied and rejected
  3. Frustrated by teachers at school who believed I was lazy or cheating
  4. I left school at 15, probably worked 4 or 5 times harder that non dyslexics
  5. I was terrified of going to school
  6. Shoved in a corner left to rot
  7. Lack of support and understanding
  8. Test taking, making friendships, self worth. Lots of problems being put down was always being told I was not smart enough

Question 3: Did you get access to any support for your dyslexia after you were assessed:

60% said yes
40% said no

One person said, " it was patronising and irrelevant

I am leaving out question 4 because I felt it was not well put together

Question 5: Overall do you feel positive or negative about being dyslexic?

68% felt positive
27% felt negative
5% felt both positive and negative

Good to see so many feeling positive

Question 6: Are you creative in any way?

89% said yes
11% said no

Some of the responses included:

  1. Yes a Masters in photography
  2. Yes art, problem solving, clinical decision making
  3. I am a designer
  4. Yes I can always figure something out it just takes a while
  5. In every way overly
  6. Yes in thinking and writing short stories and starting creative projects at work

Not bad responses from unique dyslexics.

Question 7: Overall do you think society views being dyslexic as positive or negative?

82% said society views being dyslexic as negative dyslexic
18% said society views being dyslexic as positive 

Interesting to not that so many who took the survey were positive about being dyslexic. Yes so many said that society views dyslexic as negative

Question 8: Why do you think society views being dyslexic as positive or negative?

Here are some of the responses I got from that question:

  1. Negative, reading problems
  2. Society sees any difference from the norm as negative, dyslexia is seen as a disability so is seen in a negative light
  3. it is seen as a disability
  4. I say its more of a distinction
  5. they don't understand and negative images are portrayed
  6. no but its getting better
  7. some people don't understand it I think that's the problem
  8. Living in a world of people who see everything in 2dimensions bringing a person who looks at things in three dimensions causes disruptions
  9. society is abysmally ignorant
  10. Because its called a learning disability and therefore it id immediately stigmatised by people who find difference challenging

Lots of different responses there. What would yours be? please leave yours in the comments section of this blog.

Question 9:Do you think enough is being done to enable dyslexics to succeed in education, training for work or in employment?

93% said not enough is being done
7% said yes

Well looks like more work needs to be done by all dyslexia organisation, schools, colleges, governments and employers.

Question 10: What one thing would you like to say about being dyslexic?

Here are some of the responses form this question:

I think differently to most people and my cognitive performance is in the 99.8 percentile. It may take me a while to get the information in but I can work magic once it is 

Its amazing just try it

Think creatively

Worse things can happen it shaped me

We need more help and acceptance

I am unique

I am just me, nothing is seriously wrong, I just see things differently, different does not have to be bad

I don't like others telling me what works and what doesn't, its different for each of us

I have the ability to see what others dream of and live my life in the moment

I am happy dyslexic I fit into a group better than being called slow or dumb

For every succeeder there are a thousand suffers

It has given me a creative twist on the way I see the world

I don't want to hide it I want to celebrate and share my gifts

I am not stupid and being diagnosed confirmed it 

Well I hope you enjoyed my latest dyslexia blog. Please leave any comments you may have in the comments section at the bottom of this blog. I think there are a lot of positive from this survey. But it also tells us there is a long way to go.

PS: Some fab news we recurred some funding from Foundation Scotland wooo wooooo


Here is a opportunity for blog readers to ask  me  questions about my life experiences of being dyslexic which I will endeavour to answer. Below are some topics questions can be about.

Dyslexia and:

  1. Education
  2. Employment
  3. Mental Health
  4. Assessment
  5. Music
  6. Social entrepreneurship
  7. Life high and low points in my life

PPS : We have added a donate social button our Dyslexia Pathways CIC Unique Dyslexic Facebook Page.

Its right beside the photos button. So if there is anyone who would like to donate just click on the button and follow instructions.

We are seeking donations to support our dyslexia projects including the Unique Dyslexic tee shirt and creative hub projects and keeping our web presence and social media going.

Dyslexia Pathways CIC was the first dyslexia focussed social enterprise in the world. We endeavour to promote a more positive social model profile of dyslexia though

Dyslexia Pathways CIC work and our Unique Dyslexic Campaign.

Just to remind you that we are a not for profit organisation.

anyway that's enough for this blog ta for reading and keep safe




  1. Interesting results - thanks for the feedback - good to know so many who filled in the survey felt positive however these are likely to be motivated dyslexics who are computer literate - and so because of this are likely to be living a fairly fulfilled life. Might be very different if the survey was conducted within the prison system for example. Still good to have a high percentage who felt so positive though :)

  2. This survey was never going to be perfect and I agree with all your comments. I would like to do a larger survey if I can find the funding to design and put it out there. I believe we need to give the dyslexic in the street every opportunity to advocate their needs for themselves. One of the reasons we will be launching our new range of dyslexia tee shirts is to enable dyslexics to advocate for a more positive profile of dyslexia. It was interesting to note that many felt positive about being dyslexic but the result of how they believed society views dyslexia was the opposite.
