Friday 8 July 2016

a guest blog from Amie and a few other bits and bobs

Dyslexia Pathways, social enterprise and Unique Dyslexic graphic.
Hi blog readers hope you are well. Fab news about my last blog which had over 700 reads which is a record for me. Thanks to all who took the time to read and share my blog much appreciate.
For a change from me waffling on I thought I would like to ring in the changes a little here by inviting people to write a little guest blog for us. I am going to try and publish one around one a month. Give me a nod if you would like to write a guest blog for us.
So Amie from How to be happy has agreed to be my first guest blogger. Its important that we all have the opportunity to express our thoughts and opinions about being dyslexic and about dyslexia in itself. How else can we have a debate if we don't talk about the issues as each of us perceives them?
Guest Blog
Dear all you amazing Mums and Dads,

I can still remember being told I had to go through tests to find out ‘what I had’. I can remember feeling so patronised throughout my whole assessment. After years of learning support and feeling different my mum decided to get me tested by an educational psychologist. I also felt different and inadequate but do you know what was nice? Was to have a label. It was nice to actually have an ‘excuse’ so I could tell people ‘sorry may not look right, I have dyslexia.’ I think parents go into panic mode and can end up making things a lot worse.  But I remember thinking it was great to learn what I had and meant I could research better ways to cope.

I believe one of the biggest mistakes parents make is to feel sorry for their child. I read recently somewhere that a high percentage of entrepreneurs are dyslexic. Yes they probably all struggled at school like your child will probably struggle, but school is such a small part of someone’s life in the grand scheme of things. I meet with straight A, 1st Class honour degree types of people every day that can’t seem to get a job, mainly due to their lack of social skills. It would seem to do well in school or University you have to have the top grades. Yes I did think that but not any more. Life is an experience, a gift and after school your life is not defined by exams results. I was lucky enough to be encouraged to pursue different avenues that highlight my strengths by my parents. Failure is a horrible feeling. So why make exam results the talk of the town in your household?  We should be encouraging our children in every aspect not just academic. If they have a flair for sport, music, drama, debating, public speaking whatever it may be, encourage it!

I quite often look through Twitter and see people talking about having Dyslexia and being Dyslexic and how down they are. This genuinely upsets me as people are measuring themselves on numbers or letters that are on a piece of paper. All I want to do is tell them it will be ok and bet they can achieve so much. I recently wrote down all the negative things about me and all the positives. when I did it I had way more negatives than positives. I then asked my friends, colleagues and family to do the same for me and they gave me much more positives than negatives. We really are our own worst enemy, we focus on the negatives and don’t embrace the positives. I sometimes wonder how many more Einsteins, Robin Williams’, David Bowies’ etc we could have had out there if people were more positive.

I read something recently that said ‘We are not born with insecurities, we create them.’ Do you think any babies out there are paranoid how they look, think or act? No! Because they are not aware yet and cant’ read things on social media or over-hear things being said about them. People in general are also bad at encouraging their friends and family or telling them how amazing they are.  If anyone out there is reading this and struggles in life in any capacity (school, employment, social skills etc) then all I ask is ask anyone you know to write down three traits about yourself and I guarantee none of them will be negative. If , like me, you never felt like you would be successful; take all the lovely traits people have said about you and embrace them! Find a career where you can use these traits. You will be successful!

Kind regards,




Twitter: @HowToBeHappy89

Many thanks for your fab blog much appreciated. For being our guest blogger you receive a fabtastic Unique Dyslexic sticker.
Unique Dyslexic award sticker

A little news from NASA

After an almost five-year journey to the solar system’s largest planet, NASA's Juno spacecraft successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit during a 35-minute engine burn. Confirmation that the burn had completed was received on Earth at 8:53 p.m. PDT (11:53 p.m. EDT) Monday, July 4.#


Hey did you know that around 50% of people who work at NASA are dyslexic? How fabtastic is that? Our education system still fails far to many of our dyslexic, disabled and neuro different kids. But look what we can achieve in spite of this? Next time you are felling down about being dyslexic just look up at Jupiter because without dyslexic diversity we may not have reached Jupiter at all.

Dyslexia and neuro difference positive clothing range
Dyslexia Pathways CIC supports and promotes dyslexic and neuro difference communities as well as the people who support or love them.

Our Unique designs enable all communities to promote a more positive vision of dyslexia and neuro difference. A vision that focusses on the values of respect, diversity, equality and difference.

Please visit our online shop and if you see anything you like hey why not buy one lol Or just leave some feedback here.

Many thanks to all who have taken the time to read my blog please share amongst friends and followers

Pease love and groovyness to all in the dyslexic and other neuro difference communities as well as to all those who love and or support us.

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