Friday 17 February 2023

A dyslexic life can be a complicated journey


Dyslexia Pathways CIC logo above

Hi blog readers hope you are all well

Why social model of dyslexia and social enterprise

Everyone who ready my blog will know that I am a social entrepreneur and founded Dyslexia Pathways Community Interest Company, the world's first dyslexia social enterprise in 2009. I went the social enterprise route because I felt it was the best fit for our social model of dyslexia vision. I believe that social enterprise and social model of dyslexia together offer an empowering, innovative and positive way forward for dyslexics everywhere

Being a social enterprise means we have to invest any profits made into achieving our social aims. We must have a strong constitution that enshrines our organisation vision within a legal framework.

Life is a complicated journey

My life has been a long and complicated journey that has been impacted upon negatively and positively by many factors. Many of the roads I have gone down had many pot holes that I fell into. I have travelled some very smooth and happy roads. I have made great decisions and may bad and terrible ones.

Even before I was assessed as dyslexic at about 35 years old I knew I was different. Looking back on the best decisions I made and the achievements I made I will say these happened because I am dyslexic. The single most positive benefit from being assessed was it gave me the opportunity to put my trials and tribulations at school into a more positive context.

Eight years ago or so I was at the lowest point in my whole life. I could not see 100 yards down the road I travelled at that time. But with the support of family and friends, and from Anne especially I have rebuilt my life and the road I travel is good now. Not perfect but good and that's all we can hope for. I would not go back and change one thing because all those roads travelled have taken me to this one a road where I am happy.

I may not have any money, hey how many people do these days lol, but that's not important because money on its own does not make you happy.

I guess that's why I am a social entrepreneur instead of an entrepreneur. I believe this is because I see and make sense of the world through a dyslexic prism. Going into business was not motivated by profit but by a desire to continue to do social good. I know I have made a difference to many dyslexics lives. Not saying that to be big headed it's a statement of fact.

Even though my social enterprise is struggling at the moment and facing many challenges I am still here fighting. Not just for myself but for every dyslexic across the world.

I think what I am trying to say is that for many dyslexics the roads we travel can be full of particularly large pot holes. but that road will not be there forever and there are always better roads waiting to be travelled along.

Dyslexia awareness training news:

The dyslexia awareness training sessions are going well. 8 people attended my last session and I received a lot of fabtastic feedback. 6 participants scored me 5 out of 5 and 2 gave me 4 / 5 which is cool.

Feedback included:

  1. I liked the training a lot, great trainer
  2. The discussion and opportunity to explore aspects was really beneficial
  3. Interesting speaker, good discussions and use of technology
  4. The opportunity for professional dialogue with colleagues from a variety of backgrounds was invaluable
  5. Lots of audience participation which was good
  6. Understanding of the journey dyslexics have been
#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me Steve Unique Dyslexic McCue

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