Thursday 11 July 2024

I am back after a break from all my dyslexia and inclusion academic work and social media work.


Never a truer word written. Something all dyslexics need to think about when giving our selves a hard time. Something I learned a long lime ago. We can all learn from the past, but not use the past to condemn ourselves with for life with.

Hello to all my blog followers and subscribers. Hope all is well with you.

I have been taking a break from all my dyslexia and inclusion academic work and social media after a very busy time academically and personally. Hence, I have not been doing very much on my Unique Dyslexic Eye social media channels. 

People will know I am a dyslexia and inclusion specialist supporting university students. Received an email from a student I supported struggling with her mental health and fallen behind with her Masters Degree. There was a good chance that she would fail.

She said," Thank you once again for giving me strength when I needed it the most".

She passed her Masters degree and sent me some photos from her certificate ceremony. She had also invited me to attend with her but due to circumstances I was unable to go.

I have been thinking of making a new podcast for a while but was not keen to get back into the saddle so to speak lol. Her feedback will help me get my arse into gear lol. Excuse my language.

Also been thinking about starting my of dyslexia auto biography. I have done some writing, some research. But I need to start getting in organised.

Ok, thanks for reading, many thanks to all my social media subscribers and followers. Thanks for all the positive feedback and supportive words.

#PeaceLoveGrooveyness from me, Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue

Me and my wife Anne, without her support I would never have achieved anything with my social enterprise, Dyslexia Pathways CIC

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