Saturday 3 December 2011

Things stay the same:

Way way back in 2005 I did a little research on dyslexia and teachers and discovered that very few teachers told anyone about their own dyslexia. Many through concerns that being dyslexic would adversly affect career and job prospects.

Nearly 7 years later and things do not appear to have changed much.

I was talking with a degree student yesterday who I have been providing dyslexia support over the last semester. A very bright student as well. He was expressing an interest in becoming a teacher but felt that it was not possible for him to become a teacher because of his dyslexia. He was expressing his concerns about telling any prospective employers about his dyslexia. That if he did it would adversly affect his job and career prospects. He would be a great teacher as well in my opinion

There is far to much focus on dyslexia as a negative condition that adversly impacts on our abilities to succeed academically and in the work place. Lets face it what employer wants to take on a dyslexic who can't spell, has poor memory, a brain that does not work properly, who can't read well etc. This is what the average person in the street believes dyslexia to be. Very few mention any of the positives of dyslexia at all. So it is not suprising many dyslexics keep it a secret, including teachers.

For every positive single article on dyslexia there and 20 or more negative ones.If we are ever to change people's attitudes and perceptions about dyslexia we need dyslexic teachers in classroom who are positive about being dyslexic and can act as role models and mentors to dyslexic children.

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