Saturday 25 August 2012

an insect in amber

Sometimes I feel like an insect in amber powerless to move forward just able to look backward. When I feel like this I become frustrated and angry with myself because I don't do standing still very well.

It's crazy really because if I look back honestly I can see that I have achieved so much and come so far. Yet somehow its never enough there is always something more I can do.

Everything I want to do just moves along at the speed of a growing gacier when I want things to move on at the speed of sound.

Always one more barrier to break through or one more hurdle to leap over. I have broken through so many, made a myriad of leaps but its never enough.

I am not sure if I will ever get to where I want to be but then again where is it that I want to get to?

Daft the kind of thoughts that go through your mind on a wet Saturday afternoon.


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