Sunday 12 August 2012

Space and the stars and meaning of being dyslexic

I have always been interested in space, space exploration and in life on other planets. I dreamed of becoming an astronaught as a young kid. But I never got there like so many of us. I still remember watching in awe at the first moon landing. I was 11 years old and it had a real impact on me.

I remember I had a dream the next night. I was asleep in my bed and I could see the moon shinning through my bedroom window. For some unknown reason something shot out from the moon and set my bedroom on fire. I remember I tried to get up and out of bed but was unable to move. Scary stuff lol.

My interest in space gave me an incentive to read sci fi books despite struggling with my reading because of my dyslexia. Authors like HG Wells, John Wyndham Aurther C Clark just caught my imagination and I soaked up books like a sponge from around age 9. But to my dad's conternation I still loved to read Thomas the Tank Engine books. I loved the feel of the books, the artwork, the familiarity and they were easy to read. I think I must have worn the Thomas the Tank Engine books out at the local library.

I think it was the start or the falling apart or my relationship with my father.I did struggle at school no doubt but the harder I worked the less interested my dad became in my school work and in me. It seemed no matter how hard I tried no matter how hard I worked my hand writing never got any better, my spelling didn't improve and I guess my dad became disappointed in me.

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