Thursday 7 November 2013

It is the ultimate irony that all these dyslexia focused organisations cannot work together for the good of all dyslexics. I was involved in an Edinburgh uni dyslexia project some years ago and was dismayed by all the infighting between these organisations. It's one of the main reasons My organisation works independently of any other organisation.
 Of course many these dyslexia organisations have pushed and pushed for more and more expensive dyslexia specialist courses. They pushed for dyslexia teachers to become more and more specialist. Which resulted in many schools not being able to afford to send class room teachers to dyslexia specialist course. Which resulted in dyslexia becoming so specialised it resulted in less and less dyslexia qualified teachers. 
I think we also have to ask ourselves this question: Why after so much research and money has gone ito the study of dyslexia we still do not have an agreed definition of dyslexia? 
Then there is the assistive technology industry which sells their products at prices many dyslexics cannot afford. Dyslexia has become a huge money making industry which is fine for these dyslexia organisations and assistive tech companies. Of course a business has to sell product and some of the assistive tech stuff is excellent. Especially when you consider that many dyslexics were basically failed by their schools who either ignored the needs of dyslexic chidren or did little to support them. I am not saying all schools are bad but that the good ones are very far and few between.
Moreover, they have driven and perpetuated a very negative discrepancy model of dyslexia in order to sell their products. But how has that changed anything for many ordinary dyslexics out there. Its why my organisation is a social enterprise, its why I focus on a social model of dyslexia, its why I believe that is it society which disables many dyslexics. Its why I believe dyslexia is a difference and not a disability.
I can see me being crucified for having the timerity to write this but I believe the current situation for many dyslexic has to change. For to long there has been too little progress for many dyslexics, for too long the education systems in many countries has failed, and still is failing, to many dyslexic children. This has to change and this change has to be driven by we ordinary dyslexics, we need a single voice, a dyslexia community so to speak. Then we can drive the dyslexia agenda for our benefit.
Its why I set up the Unique Dyslexic project to start building a dyslexic community. If you want to find out more about the Unique project please read my blog. If there are any creative dyslexics out there who would like a forum to share their work please visit my Unique Dyslexic Facebook page.

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