Sunday 4 May 2014

woooooo hoooooooooooo its here at last

Its here at last!

The day that I thought would never get here

PMSL yes I know is more than just a tad over the top but I liked the graphics....

What next a drum roll? Nahhhh that would be just too over the top lol

Anyway back to the big news........... The Unique Dyslexic Get Creative web site (stage 1) has been launched:

Please come over and give us a visit. If you like what you see come over to our new Facebook page and give us a like:

And now I am off for a nice cuppa hot tea, milk no sugar, and for a well earned couple of days off. Apart to invite you to get creative and get involved.

So its a ta ta and cheerio from me and for now:


  1. Spending a little time this morning, reading your blog and thinking how proud i am, to know so many dyslexic artist, dreaming and doing what brings bliss into are lives! My new website is, plus @IAmDyslexic on twitter, have a wonderful day! Lisa

  2. Hi Lisa ta for reading my blog. Visited your site hey hey like the star menu a lot and the rest of the site is cool. Good luck with your venture.
