Thursday 7 August 2014

tablets, tablets everywhere and all of them to take lol

Well today I have my first session in the gym as part of the recuperation process after my heart attack a few weeks ago.

Sigh this will be fun lol. I have my sounds ready on my I pod, got my shorts and plimmys ready. Eeeep feels like I am back at school again.

When my thyroid went squwiff, hmmm maybe 20 years ago now, it turned me from a 10 stone pretty fit person who walked lots, gigged regularly very active etc. I did a lot of physical geography as part of my degree so I climbed mountains, went pot holing etc.

I turned into a 19 stone person who could not walk to the bus stop. I have a genetically inherited thyroid condition called Hashimotos disease which is rife on my mum's side of the family.

I remember thinking to myself when the docs eventually diagnosed me hmmm trust me to end up with a disease that sounds like some weird Japanese manga video game.

Another thought that sprang to mind was, "ahhh I am finally in touch with my feminine side" lol

Hashimotos basically means my auto immune system is treating my thyroid as an enemy and so is attacking it. Arrrgh life long taking of thyroxin tablets lol.

Then about maybe 10 years ago my autoimmune system stared attacking my pancreas and I went type two diabetic. Ohhhh the joy of it all more tablets lol.

I have been asking for help from the doctors with my weight for years because I knew my weight was the real problem here and how it could impact on my heart.

I did manage to get myself down to 17 stone and got myself back into a reasonably fit state again. But it took a lot of hard work but no matter what I did I could not lose any more weight.  

Of course no where near as fit as I was. Anyway the doctors were no help at all.......One doctor said to me, "well you carry it well", another said, "we cant do miracles.  Another said, hmmmmm well having hashimotos and type two diabetes makes losing weight very difficult.

I was going to go for one of those surgical cutting you tummy in half operation when I lived in London. But then I moved to Fife and that is not offered here. Ohh the doc said I could go to a group of patients having this operation in Dundee but I couldn't have the operation......hmmmm bit pointless that.

Then the event happened that I knew was inevitable I had my heart attack. Now I had gone into hospital the week before with chest pains, had all the tests and they said everything was hunky dory ,that I was experiencing acid indigestion lol.

Then exactly one week later boooom heart attack. The hospital informed me it was a mild heart attack. It was not until a couple of weeks later I discover from my GP that it was right ventricle was 99% blocked. I am very lucky the rest of my heart is fine and all I needed was one stent fitted. But oh joy and rapture what do I get to take? More tablets lol

So now after I have had the heart attack and nearly popped my clogs I get help with my weight sigh.

Anyway I realise its not dyslexia related blog but thanks for reading.



  1. congrats on surviving, broken healthcare global system, and thus far with hashimotos and all the complications of that,

  2. major depression is my problem, have to daily make me get up, after poor sleep, poor eating, and generalized aches, not surprising since the hallmark is inflammation, and my brain turns on me on a bad day, even with no trigger or outward occurances the organ starts independant chants suicide suicide, then i have to turn my brain off, painting turns my brain off and these thoughts evaporate. then theres the loved ones who just are so dissappointed in me, and my not helping them enough, like ya tell your mom how bad you are feeling, and even suicidal, reply "will you help me clean today, will you take me to town today, i just cant stand your dad anymore, bla bla bla", or the group that just cant believe you prefer to be alone, and i do prefer to be alone than to constantly explain why i dont do this or that. its not about being dissappointed in life, its an actual brain turning on you, even on a so called good day in good circumstance. and it does hurt and i wish it was a mythical illness, i could would then just SNaaaaaaaaaaaaP out of it or into it, anyway everyone has struggles, this is mine, major depression.
