Friday 12 September 2014

Thats it I am now officially an acorn lol

Good day blog readers I trust you are all in fine fettle and getting ready for a restful week end.

We have been having some glorious weather here in Glenrothes Scotland. Spent yesterday afternoon playing with little Layla in the garden. Sticking stickers in a book, colouring in and playing silly made up games.

She is five years old and just started primary school a couple of weeks ago. She seems to be enjoying going to school certainly love learning her letters and numbers, playing with her friends etc.

Some of my regular readers may already know that we have managed to add another workshop to the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative. We are going to run another Trash to Treasure workshop in partnership with Furniture Plus this week end.

The workshop is full and I am looking forward to another successful workshop. This time I am not taking part in the workshop. So instead I am going to use my time to film the workshop, interview participants and do my usual raising awareness of dyslexia bit at the beginning.

I am toying with the idea of running another music workshop but this time with a guitarist and bassist or group of musicians to act as facilitators. Have just bought some new music writing / sampling software and was thinking about running it myself.

I have been slowly getting things together for the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Celebration of Creativity event on  29th October. Have been chatting with a prospective guest speaker and a musician as well as written to the Lord Provost to see if he will open the event and give out certificates.

This event is a real step in the dark for me. I have never organised an exhibition, I have no idea if anyone will actually want to come to the exhibition eeeep. 

Ahhh organisation and the nitty gritty details not my dyslexic strong points lol. Like so many dyslexics I see the big picture but struggle with the details.

Luckily I have a plan and I am going to try and stick to that. Famous last word there from me. If there is anyone in Fife who has any experience in this and would like to volunteer their time it would be much appreciated.

Bought some new photo editing software to start processing all the photographs for the event exhibition. I have between 50 to 70 photographs to process for the exhibition. Next week I have a meeting with the people at the Rothes Halls to plan the hall.

Some very good news here. I managed to get a place on a free 20 week business accelerator programme with Acorn Enterprises:

It was quit competitive over 30 people applied and I was lucky enough to be offered one of the 15 places on this programme Acorn Enterprises provide an environment where there is no fear of failure

I am hoping I will be able to use this opportunity to develop my ideas and enable me to move Unique Dyslexic Get Creative on to the next level.

I know when I did my leadership course a couple of years ago with the social enterprise academy I found meeting with others on that course very stimulating. Learned a lot on that course. So I am really looking forward to working with others on this Acorn programme. I am also getting a mentor as part of this programme.

I am also going to a workshop at Creative Scotland about moving things on to the next level. I am going to be looking for much bigger pots of funding with them and the lottery and I feel this workshop will be helpful.

Some of you may know that I have been in the initial stages of developing a social media project with a coupe of universities here. Making an application for a Scottish Innovation Certificate etc.

What I am finding is the Universities move at glacial speed. I am not good at waiting around for things to happen. Hence becoming an acorn and looking at other routes.

A post grad student has approached me regarding this idea and I am meeting with him sometime next week. This also may provide a way forward.

Finally and not least I have sent the updates for the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative workshops off to the web developer. Its going to cost just over £300 but it will be money well spent. I am hoping to get this done in the next couple of weeks. So look forward to an announcement on this soon.

anyways that's it from me for this happy guys and ta for taking the time to read my blog.

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