Friday 19 September 2014

Up all night again lol

Hi blog readers I hope you are all well..........

Its 5 am here and there is no way I am going to bed tonight lol

Still in the process of planning and organising the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Celebration of Creativity on 29th October 2014.

We have just received an e mail from the Provost of Fife Cllr Jim Leishman agreeing to open our event which is great news for us.

I am looking for some entertainment for the event, Preferable a dyslexic musician living in Fife and a poet as well. I have a contact to chase up about this.

Have to find some exhibition boards to hang the photos. I have a number of options to chase up next week.

Have just completed updating the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative web site. Here is the link so come along and visit our site. 

I am enjoying my business incubator experience with Acorn Enterprise. The facilitators are great and its always great to meet with other entrepreneurs as well.

On the down side I have to attend the incubator for two days a week for the next 18 weeks and my heart rehab one day a week. This is going to restrict how much work I can do over that time and affect my income.

So its going to be tough until after Christmas financially. I don't really have a choice with my rehab and I don't feel I have a choice but to go the incubator. I have to go for the business incubator if I want to develop my business and ideas further.

I also know that I have to take things a little slower because of my heart attack a couple months ago. Its a difficult balancing but that, as they say, is that.

Looks like its going to be a win for better together....totally gutted........but onwards and upwards for Scotland and for me personally.

Many thanks for reading my blog

1 comment:

  1. DO TAKE IT EASY, your heart is still in the healing process, (:
