Saturday 13 April 2013

dyslexia: difference or condition?

 I do not see dyslexia as a condition to be cured. The whole medical model of disability / dyslexia does nothing for people who are dyslexic. Apart from tell us that our brains are broken or are not normal or that there is something wrong with us. It implies that dyslexia is something that needs to be cured.

Dyslexia is a part of me and has been an integral reason for my creative output in terms of music and writing. A crucial factor for my success in my teaching career and in my new career as an entrepreneur. Ok yes being dyslexic does impact on my ability to do some tasks well but it does enable me to do other tasks very well.

That is just the same for everyone both dyslexic and non dyslexic. I am not trying to be big headed here just honest and open. If I listened to all the negatives surrounding dyslexia I wouldn't want to get out of bed in the morning.

Society / the non dyslexic world is the main reason we fail at school and to achieve according to our potential. This begins on day one at school. Schools are still failing too many dyslexic kids and turning our kids off of learning. Dyslexics at university here in the UK are having to wait for up to 20 weeks before they gain access to assistive technology that enables them to work and achieve at university.

Nobody knows many dyslexics are dropping out and or failing at university because of this. Too many successful dyslexics succeed in spite of the education system not because of it. Too many dyslexics struggle and fail because of the education system.


  1. Steve,
    What brings me to the dyslexia arena is a functionally illiterate dyslexic brother. I'm 82, retired in 1986, after 30 years of teaching mathematics. I've developed a remedial reading computer program for use by parents of reading impaired students. ( I'm rather fascinated by the middle name you've assumed and what you've said about yourself. This, what I'm typing now, is my first contact with a blogger, after having a blog created for me just yesterday. I want to follow your progress with your project. I'm going to publish this now to become a bona fide blogger. Bill Swart, Mt Pleasant Michigan. and

  2. How are things going ? Send me a link to your blog please
