Sunday 7 April 2013

proud of th welfare state

Am I the only one who is proud of our welfare state?

All the noise we are getting about the welfare state from the government is negative. Like it is something to be ashamed of rather than proud of.

The welfare state has provided support and help for millions of people since it was introduced. People who are working in low paid jobs would really suffer without help from the welfare state.

paid workers do not want to claim welfare from the state. They have to because employers are paying such low wages. I would have starved if I didn't have access to help from the welfare state when I went through my illness.

I have worked all my life and have and been happy to support a welfare state. A state that I helped to fund through my taxes and national insurance by the way.

The condems would have us believe that all millions of people do is take and take from the welfare state and never contribute to it. But this is untrue because all of us in work pay taxes, all of us in work contribute to the economy.

Yes fraud does occur but it accounts for around 1% of the cost of the welfare state. Tax evasion by some of the wealthy and by large organisation costs out economy much more that that. Yet we do not see them demonised like disabled people have been or people in low paid employment have been.

This current situation was created by banks fiddling the books chasing huge quick profits without any care of possible consequences. There has been mismanagement of our economy by our politicians over decades. Not people on low wages or disabled people.

Now we have a condem government who want to run this country for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many. We have a government and political class who have come from a position of privilege. Who do not have to live with the consequences of the decisions they make. They will not have to go without anything, they have their subsidised housing, subsidised food and expense accounts.

They will not be forced from their homes by the bedroom tax, nor will have to face the ATOS inquisition. Their children will never have to go without a meal or have to use the NHS because they all have private medical insurance.

In this country child poverty is rising, the gap between rich and poor is getting wider, social mobility is now an impossibility. Yet we have politicians slapping each other on the back congratulating themselves on a job well done.

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