Saturday 15 August 2020

Unique Dyslexic Eye Podcasting and Broadcasting Kickstarter News

Unique Dyslexic Eye Logo

Hi all

Launched our Kickstarter yesterday and got 4 backers which is good news, We have now got 9% of our £750 target. 

We must achieve the target within 30 days and if we don't achieve our target we don't get a penny. So please consider backing the Unique Dyslexic Eye Podcasting and Broadcasting Kickstarter.

Here is a link to one of my podcasts on my Spotify Channel:

Here is a link to Kickstarter:

Please consider backing my fab Unique Dyslexic Eye Pod and Broadcasting Kickstarter. It would be fab if you would share this on your social media please.

Many thanks Steve

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve McCue

1 comment:

  1. Please back my fab Unique Dyslexic Eye Pod Kickstarter. Share this on your social media please. Support the dyslexic and neuro diverse communities.

    Unique Dyslexic Eye has been selected by Kickstarter as a project they love
