Saturday, 1 February 2014

Dyslexia Pathways CiC news updates


We will soon be launching our new Dyslexia Pathways CiC web site that replaces our old site closed down by our previous web developer. All that needs doing is a bit of tweeking here and there. But this will have to wait a couple of weeks until I have the Unique Dyslexic project stuff done.

The new Dyslexia Pathways CiC site looks far better than the old one and has more functionality. I will be looking to give the site logo a bit of a refresh in the near future.

Have to give a big thanks to Bill Blenman for giving his time and expertise in developing the site. Bill suggested that maybe we should change the name of Dyslexia Pathways CiC to Dyslexia Pathways Scotland CiC. What do you blog readers think of that idea.

The university dyslexia support work has started again. I met with one student who I have been supporting for the last couple of years. When we first met she was really struggling with her studies and her self confidence. Have to say it was a little touch and go if she was going to be able to carry on with her course.

This week she showed me her exam results for her recent exams which were all very high top of the class type marks. She was pleased as punch and so was I. This student has put in a lot of hard work to do this and I am so proud of what she has achieved. If nothing else we dyslexics are very determined individuals.

I had one of those days on Friday. You know those days when no matter what you do it all goes wrong. In the morning for example I couldn't find my meds. Meds I have to take every day of my life sigh. In the end I had to go to my docs wait around for 40 minutes to get a new prescription for more meds and then on down the pharmacy to pick up the med which took another half and hour. All this meant I missed breakfast and by the time I had got my meds I felt quite unwell. I was to late to catch a but to my work and in no real fit state to drive. So in the end I had to cancel my student appointments for the day.

On the Unique Dyslexic front I received an e-mail from an organisation in Fife about running one of the workshops. I have high hopes we will have the first workshop up and running within the next 6 weeks or so all going well that is.

If there is any other organisation interested in hosting one of the creative workshops please contact me at

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