Monday 9 June 2014

So what's cooking with Unique Dyslexic Get Creative

Hi, hi and hi again hope everyone is well and working hard and or having fun.

Its taken me a while to get back into the swing of thing with Dyslexia Pathways CIC and Unique Dyslexic CIC after my break in France. I also think there was just so much to do and I was finding it hard to get a focus.

A few weeks ago I met with a representative from Interface. Interface provides a central point of access to the expertise available in Scotland's Higher Education and Research Institutions. Interface will help your business by matching you to the right academic expertise. I put together a little proposal for the next stage of Unique Dyslexic Get Creative. I cannot say much other than it involves social media. Anyway I got expressions of interest from two universities and have meetings with them on Friday.

The planning for the Trash to Treasure workshop has been  finalised. Here is an outline of the workshop:

This workshop is called Trash to Treasure an introduction to up scaling old furniture. You will be introduced to painting and simple upholstery techniques that will enable you to revamp a small of piece of furniture into a new work of art. The workshop, furniture and all resources are provided free of charge. This workshop is being run by Clarabelle Christie in partnership Furniture Plus. Unlike the first workshop anyone from outside Fife is welcome.

Places are limited to 10 participants. For more information on this workshop or to book a place please contact Steve McCue:.
E mail:      Tel: 01592 756 187
You are invited to visit our Unique Dyslexic Get Creative web site at:
The music workshop is nearly organised. We are just waiting to hear from Fife College to see if we can use their music studio facilities. Once we get the go ahead we can the fix a date for this workshop.
We had a couple of issues to overcome with the visual art workshop. Which we have now overcome. This workshop will take place in Anstruther in Fife.
Remember you don't have to be assessed as being dyslexic to access these workshops. For example a teacher or friend may have said you might be dyslexic but have never taken in any further. A free dyslexia screening is available using Quickscan computer software.
We really need more people on board to help us with our work. Either as directors or volunteers let me know if you are interested. We would particularly welcome someone to help us with the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative web site.
anyways that's it from me for this blog..... you all stay well and be happy
I will record an audio version of this blog later this week.
Steve McCue

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like exciting things in the pipeline Steve. Looking forward to hearing your album
