Saturday, 27 February 2021

Welcome to my latest Unique Dyslexic Eye show with our fab guest Lucia


Our latest guest on Unique Dyslexic Eye Lucia

Hi everyone hope all is well with you all

My new Unique Dyslexic Eye show 27.02.21: Lucia talks about her experience of being a bi-lingual dyslexic and her experiences in education from primary school to university. 

She is in the fourth year of a  psychology degree and in the middle of completing her dissertation which is on dyslexia. Please leave is a like, subscribe to the channel and share with your friends and contacts. The link below will take you to the show on You Tube

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve McCue

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Dyslexia and well being; how I am nurturing my well being and mental health during COVID


Hi all how are you all?

A Unique Dyslexic Eye follower asked me about what I was doing to nurture my well being and mental health during COVID. 

A lot of my dyslexia support work has focused on dyslexia and nurturing well being during COVID, 

I thought I would make a short series of vlogs to answer this. So below is a link to one of my Unique Dyslexic Eye podcasts about this.

Dyslexia and well being, how I am keeping my sanity during COVID

So my questions to you all are the same. How are you all coping with being dyslexic during COVID. What are you all doing to nurture your well being?

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve Unique Dyslexic Eye McCue

Monday, 22 February 2021

I am dyslexic and a natural problems solver

Hi blog readers hope you are all well 

For as long as I can remember I have been a problems solver. But for a lot of the time I didnt even realise I had a talent for doing it. It really want until I did my PGCE, Post Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education that I really began really realising it.

If were to sum up what inclusion was about it. In simple terms I see inclusion as recognising and identifying barriers and finding solutions to breaking them down. These barriers are there because our society and education system is basically disability and dyslexia unfriendly. Of course its not just disability and dyslexia, there are gender barriers, barriers for people of colour, financial barriers and orientation barriers.

Its amazing how many barriers people can throw up sigh. The, "but but gang", lol sigh. This throwing up of barriers is something that irks me here in Scotland. We are wonderful people in many ways but there are always people who will put up barriers to ideas rather than be open to ideas and tear down barriers lol. It s not just in Scotland of course but since founding my social enterprise I have come up against these barriers and the, "but but", crew.

For example I am a dyslexic dyslexia and inclusion specialist. However, most funding application more complex than they have to be. I find writing funding bids that meet funding criteria. I often find open funding applications to late. I just dont think inclusion is factored into funders application criteria. 

Any way thats enough of me moaning lol

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve Mccue

PS; my wife I just received our blue vaccination envelopes today 26.02.21

Saturday, 20 February 2021

bog off and crap up your own planet earthmen lol


Those pesky earth people coming to mars and dumping their mars landers without so much as a by your leave. Earth people stay home and crap up your own planet some more blimey. Steve McCue dyslexic comic lol

Fab news for planet Earth about the new Mars landing but what if you are a martian?

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve McCue

Unique Dyslexic Eye progress, problems and volunteers

Dyslexia Pathways CIC logo

Hi all hope you are all well

My organisation, Dyslexia Pathways CIC, like many organisation was severely impacted by COVID. For example, my dyslexia work stopped March 18th.

I was in the middle of taking HND Course in Broadcasting that also stopped in March. I was taking the broadcasting course because I had an idea to set up podcasting / broadcasting show for the dyslexia and other neuro diverse communities. My Unique Dyslexic blog has had over 280.000 listens and podcasting just seemed like a natural progression.

But when the course stopped I lost access to the broadcasting studio at the college. I dint really have the hardware and software at home make the shows but never the less I carried on and set up Unique Dyslexic Eye.

The aim was to support the mental health and well being of the dyslexic and neuro diverse communities. I didn't really have the cash for hardware, such as a good microphone or for software such as Adobe Audition for editing the show.

As a result I set up a Kickstarter called Unique Dyslexic Eye. it was only for £750 and it was probably the hardest £750 I ever earned. But it was successful. I was lucky because my Kickstarter attracted a super backer. It ran for a month and raised £790 which was badly needed. I did the Kickstarter thing because it is so difficult to find prospective funders for social enterprise.

We did run an earlier project called Unique Dyslexic Get Creative and secured £10.000 from the lottery. An unknown donor gave us £1000 for the project and Dyslexia Pathways added to the pot also. It was a really long process and I find many of these funders are dyslexia unfriendly.

I need some help with raising funds for Dyslexia Pathways CIC. I still have the web site for Unique Dyslexic Get Creative up and running thanks to the kickstarter money. But it needs re branding and other work done to it. A link to the site is below. Volunteer support volunteer alert lol.

Unique Dyslexic Get Creative

I am now back working at Universities providing online support for dyslexic and neuro diverse students. But I need to expand that but have no idea how to do this or money to invest in starting this up.

Would be fab to have some volunteers to support the work we are doing?

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve McCue

Friday, 19 February 2021

My development from failed dyslexic school kid to dyslexia and inclusion specialist and social entrepreneur.


Hi blog readers

My journey from failed school kid to dyslexia and inclusion specialist and now social entrepreneur with my social enterprise Dyslexia Pathways CIC has a long and often difficult one. I think the negative experiences many dyslexics go through can leave us with a very negative impression of ourselves. It can make finding the positives within us very difficult to do and actually believe in.

An important and integral part of this journey was my development in a leadership role. Its a role I never felt comfortable with. Here is an essay I did for a leader ship course I did that explored this.

I hope this is helpful for all you potential leaders in the dyslexic and neuro diverse communities.

Review of Prevailing Leadership Style

As I run a small social enterprise where I am the only employee I will be using my experiences as Team Leader / teacher for Dyslexia Support at the last college I was employed with.

Levels of motivation and commitment to the organisation values and goals

When I was first employed as Co-ordinator for Dyslexia Support there was not a dedicated Dyslexia Support Department. I was the only full-time dedicated dyslexia teacher. I managed a small team of two part time qualified dyslexia support teachers and a varying number of unqualified dyslexia support teachers.

 I found there was a deep dissatisfaction amongst members in my team with the leadership style of the principal and senior management team, (SMT), at the college. I think to begin with even I was eyed with suspicion.  This dissatisfaction expressed itself during team meetings. There were, for example, a lot of complaints about lack of work space, recognition for what they were doing and there was no support from management.

Members of the team were committed to meeting the needs of dyslexic students but believed the college did little to enable them to achieve this.

Factors shaping levels of commitment:

About a year before I took up post there had been a long period of industrial action between teachers and management. It went on for over ten months and did not end amicably.  Teaching staff were basically forced to end the action because they just couldn’t afford to carry on with it.

The action was called when the principal and SMT introduced new contracts without any consultation. This included having to re-apply for posts, the introduction on longer teaching contact hours and the possibility of redundancies. I know from discussions with my team there was a belief this would all impact on their ability to do the best job they could for their students.

My team also felt undervalued there also no dedicated teaching or work space to work with dyslexic students.  For example staff had to hot desk which basically meant they had to find a workspace to do any preparation and marking work. When meeting a student they had to then find a quiet place to work with them on a one to one basis.

The main leadership style was quite coercive and authoritarian. Goalman’s 6 Leadership Styles indicate this coercive style has a negative effect on the climate an organisation.  This was certainly true within the college. Dr Douglas McGreggor’s XY Theory indicates this authoritarian style has an adverse affect on levels of motivation amongst staff.

 Within learning support this lead to a high turnover of staff and low morale was prevalent within the team. There was very much us against them atmosphere between staff and management.

Own ability to communicate organisation’s values and goals:

To be honest I don’t remember making any conscious effort into communicating the values and goals of the organisation to others in my team. But what I do remember was that tackling discrimination and promoting equality and diversity was at the heart of their mission statement. That was what I tried to do amongst my team and the students we supported.

To a large extent I was lucky in that dyslexia had become fashionable within further education. The Disability Discrimination Act had placed a duty on the college to meet the needs of all students with a disability. Hence, the college felt the need to set up a dedicated dyslexia support department. I also believe the fact that I am dyslexic myself as well qualified and experienced dyslexia and inclusive education experience gave me some degree of credibility amongst my new team.

Part or my interview involved delivering a plan for setting up this new department. This plan, I suppose I would call this a vision now, included setting up dedicated teaching and working space for dyslexia support teachers and students. The setting up of assistive technology support for staff and students and organisation of regular dyslexia support team meetings.

In my very first team meeting I went in with my plan / vision and asked the team what they thought of it. What they felt were the positives, the negatives, what needed to be developed, how were we going to get where we were going and how we would know if we had got there?

Edwin Locke’s  motivational theory that goal setting can prove to be a strong motivator and I believe the vision I had and developed with my team gave us a series of specific goals related to dyslexia support and not just learning support in general.

Ability to Motivate Others:

I hold my hands up here, when I took on this post I had not management training at all. I was just there at the right time at the right place. To some extent I have to give the college some kudos for basically giving me a blank canvas to work with. Then again I could just have easily have crashed and burned as succeeded as I was just left to get on with it.

 I know staff in my team could see that there was a clear vision, which they had involvement in the development of. They could see it would enable the team and me to meet the needs of dyslexic students more effectively.  I think I communicated through my enthusiasm and belief being dyslexic, far from being a disability, was a very positive.

Before I took up post there was no dyslexia support team in any sense of the word. They were individuals working across four different college sites across the borough of Southwark. After one year in post we were a team, working together, meeting regularly all working towards the same goals.

Team meetings became more and more about planning, reviewing and developing dyslexia support and less an opportunity to moan about the college as a whole. We doubled the number of dyslexic students supported by my team in the first year. Staff turnover also decreased quite significantly

Vroom’s expectancy theory talks about the relationship between effort and performance and rewards that can be gained from this. My team could see pretty quickly they were better able to meet the needs of dyslexic students and enable them to succeed to a higher degree. After all teaching is a vocation and if teachers feel they are able to do a good job they get job satisfaction. At least I know I did and still do.

Hezberg’s motivation theory indicates that true motivation can be gained through, achievement, recognition, work itself etc. I believe my team and I all achieved these and through this and were far better motivate   because of it.

many thanks for reading #PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve McCue




Wednesday, 17 February 2021

dyslexic scenius


My first draft for our Unique Dyslexic Logo

Hi all hope you are all keeping well

Scenius is a group of creative individuals who make up an ‘ecology of talent’.
There are many dyslexic geniuses out there but many never realize that genius because our education fails us.. But it is out there because we know 35% of entrepreneurs are dyslexic.
If we are ever going to change how society sees dyslexia we must come together and develop our creative dyslexic scenius to do it.
#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all.......please leave a like, subscribe or join our community and or share my podcasts.
Below is a link to my Unique Dyslexic Eye podcast about dyslexic scenius.

#PeaceLoveFroovyness to you all

Steve McCue

Sunday, 14 February 2021

and here is the news from Unique Dyslexic Eye


Hi blog readers

Had fun and games here the past week 8 inches of snow, digging out snow from the paths and digging out the care lol. Temperature as -8 most of the time so a nice balmy day here in paradise lol.

Somebody, another podcaster, aske me about Paetron which is a way podcasters / broadcasters followers can offer support to their channels.

I have set up a Paetron, it was free and easy to do. You pay a percentage from anything you get from donors. I have not done anything with it at all though. 

Part of this is to do with COVID people everywhere are struggling for money. Part of it is about my Unique Dyslexic Eye show is still very new 14 long episodes and around 15 short ones in fact. 

I could probably attract sponsors but have no idea how to go about doing that in a professional way. 

I did set up a small Kickstarter for £750 to set my show up which was successful. Its now closed but the my Kickstarter page is still on line for others to see and get ideas for their own Kickstarters.

#dyslexia #mentalhealth #neurodiversity

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all and thanks for all your support

Steve Unique Dyslexic McCue

Friday, 5 February 2021

Ain't society hilarious? lol, I am a colour blind, left handed dyslexic, (UPDATED VERSION)

My dyslexic footprint

For an accessible podcast version of this blog just click on the link below:

Podcast audio version of this blog

Hi all hope you are well

Isn't society funny sigh. 

Like 10% of the human race I am left handed. Not so long ago the right handed dominant 90% would have said that made me evil or sinister in some way. In 1940s Australia I would have been called a mollydooker lol. 

Not so long ago left handed school kids would be forced to write with their right hand. Sometimes left handed kids had their left hand tied behind their back to make sure they wrote with their right hand.

Research shows there are over 85 different terms the refer to being left handed. The vast majority are non complimentary to say the least. I will also say we still don't really understand what makes a person left handed.

Most of the current research suggests that left-handedness has an epigenetic marker—a combination of genetics, biology and the environment. In other words they don't really know. 

What I will say is almost everything from scissors to tin openers are designed to be used by right handers. Yep we can now buy left handed scissors and tin openers but you wont find them down the local supermarket. When I want to buy a left handed guitar or bass they were always more expensive than right handed ones. 

Research suggests lefties tend to have better verbal skills then righties lol. Maybe that's why I have often been told I have the, "gift of the gab", lol.

Like 4.5% of humanity I am colour blind and every time......... literally every time I mention this people ask me what colour I see everything from a tree to the jumper they are wearing lol. 

The 95.5% of people who are not colour blind just don't get it. I don't share the same frame of reference as non colour blind people. I don't share the same frame of reference with other colour blind person. 

People with normal colour vision are known as trichromats. People with ‘faulty’ trichromatic vision will be colour blind to some extent and are known as anomalous trichromats. Another term for colour blindness is colour vision deficient sigh. 

A beautiful painting by Monet who happened to be colour blind

Finally, like 10% of the human race I am dyslexic and believe me the 90% of the human race have called me many names from thick to stupid and lazy. Society says I have a disorder a deficit a discrepancy. The non dyslexic dominant society tells me I am disabled in some way. Society totally ignores the fact that it is our dyslexia unfriendly education system that disables.

Being dyslexic comes with many strengths, we tend to be very creative, unique problem solvers, big picture thinkers, 3 D thinkers, we have fab empathy and emotional intelligence. We are good at making connections and have strong narrative reasoning. Hey hey here is where my, gift of the gab, comes in again lol. 

Funny how society sees diversity and difference ain't it?

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve #UniqueDyslexic McCue

your comments, like and support it welcomed

A heads up from Unique Dyslexic Eye about our new pod page


My new keyboard

Hi all hope you are all well

I have set up a new pod page for my Unique Dyslexic Eye.......

you can leave me a voice message there easy peasy to do.

If you are a dyslexic or neuro diverse or disabled musician or poet and would like to have a slot on my Unique Dyslexic Eye just contact me.

If you have something you would like to share with my audience contact me. I am thinking of writing a Celebration of dyslexic / neuro diversity show talent show.

Please leave a like or subscribe or a review. I am also seeking sponsors to help with keeping my show running.

#PeaceLoveGroovyness from me Steve McCue 

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Unique Dyslexic Get Creative event


 Hi Blog readers hope you are well

Dyslexic performance poet Anita Govan, seen above, performing at our Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Exhibition funded my The National Lottery, my organisation Dyslexia Pathways CIC. Also, thanks to an unknown donor who gave us £1000 for the event.

Thanks to all our volunteers who worked hard over the course of the year to make Unique Dyslexia Get Creative such a success. Thanks to all the performers who performed at the event. Finally, thanks to all those from the dyslexic and other neuro diverse communities who got involved in our 6 creative workshops and who got involved from all over the world by sending us their creative work for the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative event. exhibition.

Your comments and feedback would be fab. If you are a dyslexic or neuro diverse musician or poet. Or you have something to say about dyslexia and neuro diversity why not get involved with our response to COVID and send me a song or a poem for Unique Dyslexic Eye show.

This link will take you to my Unique Dyslexic Eye podcast show page:    you can also find the show on Apple, Google, Spotify and many other podcast and radio broadcast social media pages.

My email is:

#PeaceLoveGroovyness to you all

Steve McCue

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

A dyslexic stick of rock


Hi readers hope you are all ok out there...

#iamdyslexic😎 I see, make sense of, feel, understand, think as a dyslexic. I see through a dyslexic prism and dont want to be cured. Nature and humanity thrives because of diversity.

Just think of all the fab accomplishments of dyslexics throughout history. #Dyslexia is a difference that reflects #Diversity.

What would be lost if there were such a thing as a cure for diversity? It would not be a cure it would be an amputation.

If I were a stick of rock it would have the word dyslexic written all through it.

Thanks for reading
