Thursday 1 November 2012

genetically inferior

I was taking part in a discussion about Ian Duncan Smith on another forum. The phrase genetically inferior was used. Hmmm interesting phrase genetically inferior..... I don't know why or how or exactly when the UK became an intolerant uncaring society. But that’s where we are now.

 What surprises me is just how quickly the electorate swallowed the conservative / lib dem war against disabled people with all its vitriol and lies about disabled people. That somehow we are all scroungers and benefit cheats who are living the good life on benefits. That disabled people are incapable of making any positive contributions to society at all.

When the Nazis embarked on their final solution and built extermination camps that killed millions of people who had been labelled as being genetically inferior. The rest of German society at that time chose to ignore what was being done by their political leaders in their name.

Here in the UK the electorate are choosing to ignore what is being done to disabled people and people from other vulnerable groups in our society.

If anyone is genetically inferior it is the condems because somewhere along the line they lost their humanity and tolerance genes. It must be a condition that is transferable by media because the rest of UK society seems to be losing theirs too.

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