Monday 29 October 2012

everyone needs to make some me time

All of us have to make time for ourselves, carers especially. I know its not an easy thing to do. I cared for my gran for a while and it was not easy at all. So I know what I am talking about. But if we don't look after ourselves we can end up not being physically or mentally able to cope with the challenges we face or look after ourselves. Who cares for the carers when they get ill? So we all need to make time for ourselves and get away from the pressures that caring for someone can give us. Its not olny carers though. In my work as a dyslexia specialist I work with people who have experienced great difficulties in their lives. Working with dyslexics is about creating good positive relationships where people can trust in us. I work with the whole person no just with the dyslexia in isolation. Its suprising the things people have told me. One student, she was over 50 years old, told me she had been abused by her father when she was a chid. It was something she had never told anyone before in her life. So I make sure I make time for myself with my computer games and with writing and playing music. All of us need to have some me time if we want to keep healthy.

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