Friday, 19 October 2012

Yet another cure for dyslexia in the news

I am dyslexic not ill, I am dyslexic and very happy to be so, I am dyslexic and a unique individual with strengths and weaknesses just like everyone else dyslexic and non dyslexic. Yes dyslexia can place many barriers in front of us. But barriers are there to be broken through and each barrier broken through makes us stronger and those struggles made me who I am today. If I had been taught at school in multi sensory dyslexia friendly ways that enabled me to access the learning in class I might not have struggled so much in later life. I am dyslexic so ok I might struggle with spelling or with my organisation etc. On the other hand I am dyslexic and a great problem solver,  an excellent teacher, artistic, a musician and an entrepreneur etc. I doubt I would have been any of these if it were not for my dyslexia. I am dyslexic not ill and I do not want t be medicalised, remediated or corrected. It is non dyslexic society that disables dyslexics not dyslexia. I am dyslexic why shoulld I be ashamed of that?

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