Saturday 19 July 2014

Who would have thought it me up early on a Saturday morning blogging lol.... just a short and sweet blog entry though

Hi blog readers hope you are all well and working hard or having fun.

I have finished all the promotion for the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative workshops. I have sent out leaflets and information to every organisation I can think of in Fife. I have done an interview on local radio to be broadcast on a number of local radio stations and I had an interview with a reports which will be in all the local press. There is promotional information on the Fife Council web site, Creative Scotland web site etc. I cannot do anymore what so ever.

Have to say I am totally underwhelmed at the response I got from all the local organisations I contacted though. Hardly any bothered to respond even to say thanks but no thanks. I know many organisations out there are understaffed, over worked and stressed so maybe its understandable. But then again maybe it shows the lack if priority given to dyslexia here in Fife. Maybe dyslexia does not exist in Fife hmmm.

Grrrr I hate being negative but sometimes we all have to be at some time or another.

All I know is I have done dyslexia work in Dundee and Tayside, Edinburgh, Stirling etc but nothing at all in Fife. Oh I was asked to give one presentation on dyslexia in Fife for 10 minutes only to be told there was no problem for dyslexics at all.

Anyways onward and upwards as they say. We still have some spaces available on all three workshops so if you are interested please contact me on:

Tel: 01592 756 187

E mail: or

Had my first cardiac rehab appointment yesterday, went through all the tests and everything is ticketyboo. I am feeling in excellent health walking everyday and keeping active. I don't smoke so that is a plus and I only drink occasionally but my one weakness is CHOCOLATE! hmmmmmm and sweet stuff in general.

Anyway that's enough from me this for a cuppa tea and a restful weekend......recharge my batteries so to speak. 

ta for reading and you all have a great weekend

1 comment:

  1. Fife ( as in education department of the council ) never recognised dyslexia till about 20 or so years ago when they were taken to court by a former pupil who was awarded damages against them for her not receiving support as she was dyslexic. This galvanised the 'council' for a few short years into providing screening and support for mainly primary pupils. However over the last few years the screening and support has become less and less and is practically nil in further education college This means pupils and students without early level support can fall further and further behind their peers and their self esteem and confidence starts to drop. Sad.
